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Track & Field II

aka: Konamik Sports in Seoul
Moby ID: 14527

Forget the gold, and go for the endorsement bucks!

The greatest athletes from around the world have gathered for the grandest sporting spectacle since the golden age of Greece.

This pressure packed competition is as fierce as a starved lion. Surviving is a matter of sweat and concentration in Taekwondo, pole vaulting, canoeing, skeet shooting, hammer throwing, high diving, archery, hurdles, gymnastics, hang gliding, pistol firing, arm wrestling, fencing, triple jumping and swimming... Whew! Wears you out just to read them all.

The odds in Vegas say you don't have enough strength, stamina or skill, but you know better.

And as long as you win, you're the crowd favorite. But lose, and you might as well turn in your jockstrap and joystick.

Featuring simultaneous play for two players or play against the computer.


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Track & Field II™

Fantastisen vauhdikas ja jännittävä olympia-peli!

Mailman parhaat urheili-jat ovat kerääntyneet suureen urheilujuhlaan. Menestymisen paineet ovat kovat ja jokainen maa yrittää saavuttaa eniten voittoja. Yksikään jatkokilpailupaikka ei tule helpolla.
Lajeina mm: seiväshyppy, kolmiloikka, skeet-ammunta, miekkailu, taekwondo, jousiammunta, uinti jne.
Uskomaton määrä erilai-sia urheilulajeja, joista vain paras voi selviytyä.
Mahdollisuus pelata kak-si pelaajaa vastakkain tai tietokonetta vastaan!!!


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Contributed by Corn Popper, jean-louis.

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