All Evil Night II

Moby ID: 152250

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Windows screenshots

The title screen is only displayed after the player has entered their id
The controls are fairly standard and it is helpful to have them all documented like this
The in-game configuration screen. It can be played in full screen or window modes and has three levels of difficulty
The game starts with the player beside their car, gun ready.
There are a few nice touches like this number plate, CA EXEMPT is what you'd find on Californian Highway Patrol vehicles
The first med pack and the first attack come at the same time. I swept the room before I tried to pick it up so what's attacking me!
Yup! The controls are familiar making this an easy game to pick up and play
Attacked by a group of fast moving spiders
In the early stages there are plenty of new weapons to be had. Unfortunately the game does not say what they are or if one is better than another against different baddies
Carefully aiming at a rabid guard dog that's behind the barrels
A flying ghost like thing. Kill these when they are a long way off because they explode when they die and will kill if they are close
Just exploring the area and these things popped up from the ground
Look what I found in a secret area. A rocket launcher! There's just one rocket but this bad boy will deal with some of the mega beasties out there.
And the spiders get even bigger!
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