Roman's Christmas

Moby ID: 154928

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Windows screenshots

The title screen<br>The game starts off in Chinese but, as can be seen, there is an easily accessible option to change this <br><br>Demo game
The language & graphics selection screen <br><br>Demo game
Further in-game configuration options. The game can be played in either windowed or full-screen modes <br><br>Demo game
The game can be played using either the keyboard or the mouse but a combination of the two works best <br><br>Demo game
The save/load screen <br><br>Demo game
In all scenes the background is shown in soft focus. Here the detective is entering the tavern <br><br>Demo game
This is the innkeeper. As new characters make their appearance the detective's notes are updated <br><br>Demo game
This is Anzox. The first murder that the detective solves is a story that he tells <br><br>Demo game
There are points in the game where the player has to make a decision. Here it's just what to do before dinner but a similar mechanic is used during the investigations <br><br>Demo game
Anzox starts his tale and pieces of information are added to the detective's list of clues <br><br>Demo game
At any point the player can scroll back through the dialogue <br><br>Demo game
The detective's list of clues <br><br>Demo game
A map of the crime scene. A similar style of map is used to travel between locations within the tavern <br><br>Demo game
Examining a body, this is probably best done using a mouse. The magnifying glass appears when the player clicks on an area. <br><br>Demo game
This wheel is used when all evidence has been gathered. The player clicks on Weapon / Method / Suspect / Motive one at a time and then answers questions about each<br><br>Demo game
When the player has solved the case there is a Case Playback which tells the story in a series of line drawings. No spoiler images here though <br><br>Demo game
This comes after the end of the first puzzle. Is it significant? <br><br>Demo game
Every so often there is a load screen like this. The text is different on each and the figure is animated <br><br>Demo game
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