Moonlight Madness

Moby ID: 15894

ZX Spectrum screenshots

This screen displays while the game is loading
At the end of loading the game waits at this screen for the player to press a key. The combination randomly rotates as it does so. When all lives are lost the player returns here
This is the game's main menu
Keys can be redefined. However I could not use SPACE as FIRE, presumably because its used to exit the screen. M is used for music, P for Pause S for Save and L for Load
The game starts here. The player has three lives. If the player loses a life they are sent back here. Any keys collected are retained
The player quickly learns that jumping to the floor costs a life. Jumping to another platform costs a life too
Contact with a butler costs a life.
But there is a way to change the platforms so that the player can progress
Its a floating platform screen, only when the player enters they float to a position and then stay there. How to make them move again?
The player has collected the first key - one of the icons along the bottom of the screen has turned black.
Another screen, not the next screen because there's no order in which these screens should be explored
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