🤔 How many games has Beethoven been credited on? (answer)

6-Mon Adventure

Moby ID: 186303

Windows screenshots

The title screen and main menu
The keyboard controls. These action keys can be changed and when I scrolled down there was a diagram showing the action keys for a controller
The EXTRAS option on the main menu shows the player's best times
While the game loads it displays scenes from within the game The blue things have to be collected.
The game starts here. Despite my best efforts I could not complete the first level. Ahead on the passage to the left is a stop watch, passing through this activates the game timer
Each of these green platforms will collapse shortly after it is landed upon so collecting all the blue glowing things takes a bit of skill
The first level must be a tutorial level because up ahead, just below and to the left of the clock, is a TV screen that shows a robot making this leap by timing a second about half way across
This sequence combines double jumps and collapsing platforms
When I missed a jump, and I missed a lot, The game reset me right back at the start of the same sequence of jumps. Unfortunately it also keeps count of the number of failures
ESCAPE brings up this screen
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