Space Taxi

Moby ID: 19278

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Average score: 84% (based on 2 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 17 ratings with 1 reviews)

What Do You Get When You Cross "Lunar Lander" With "Scramble"?

The Good
It's quite simple. This game is a blast. Fun! Fun! Fun! And addictive! Diabolically designed levels and a tricky physics engine combine to keep you playing "Just one more game" for hour after hour.

The graphics are nothing special. Pretty standard Commodore 64 fare, although I did get a kick out of the rocket-powered checkered cab.

Sounds are also standard for the '64. Digitized speech enables passengers to hail you with a "Hey, Taxi!" Safely deliver a passenger to his destination, and you get a hearty "Thanks!" Accidentally land on top of a passenger rather than next to him and he emits an indignant "Hey!" before disappearing and reappearing elsewhere.

The real hook that keeps you coming back for more and keeps you playing endlessly is the crafty level design. Platforms are placed on the other side of narrow corridors, just wide enough for your taxi to squeeze through. You need a very steady hand sometimes; touch a wall, and you're toast! Fuel depots are placed in hard-to-reach areas or far away from your passenger or destination, forcing you to decide between playing it safe and refueling or going for the time/money bonus.

Just when you feel like you've got the hang of the controls, along come levels that feature light or heavy gravity, and one level even reverses the controls completely! The stick movement that normally causes the taxi to go up, suddenly sends it down, and the left/right controls are backward as well. It's infuriating, and it's fun!

The Bad
Not much to dislike here. The graphics and sound, as I said, are mediocre. Once you've mastered all 25 levels, there's nothing more. A level editor would have given this game longer legs. Other than that, no complaints.

The Bottom Line
If you like side-scrolling arcade games with a puzzle solving element, Space Taxi's sure to please!

Commodore 64 · by Halmanator (598) · 2005

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by S Olafsson, GAMEBOY COLOR!.