Ms. Metaverse

Moby ID: 19286


The box advertises the chance to "WIN $10,000" in the "Ms. Metaverse On-Line contest" at The readme file explains the details: buyers are encouraged to create their own pageant contestants and upload them to, where visitors would vote for their favorite. A $10.000 price would be awarded to the "most seductive, desirable, intriguing being in the Metaverse". The contest rules didn't give an ending date, but stated quite clearly that "Electromedia will have no obligation to award any prizes in the Contest if the contest is discontinued by Electromedia".

According to's Wayback Machine, there were 35 contestants on Virtual Vegas' Ms. Metaverse website by December 1996, including the 10 original women from the game. This would mean 25 people participated in the contest. There is no indication that a winner was chosen, nor that the $10,000 price was ever awarded.

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Trivia contributed by -Chris.