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SingStar: Popworld

aka: SingStar: Pop, SingStar: Radio 105, SingStar: The Dome
Moby ID: 20100
SingStar: Popworld (PlayStation 2) screenshot: The main menu. From left to right the options are; <br>Sing Solo, or as part of a duet <br>Party, 2-8 players <br>Freestyle, no scoring <br>High Scores <br>Game Configuration Options
SingStar: Popworld (PlayStation 2) screenshot:
The main menu. From left to right the options are; <br>Sing Solo, or as part of a duet <br>Party, 2-8 players <br>Freestyle, no scoring <br>High Scores <br>Game Configuration Options

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Added: November 30, 2016
Contributed by: piltdown_man