Crazy Chicken X

aka: Moorhuhn X
Moby ID: 20910


Here we go hunting grouse again The long-awaited release of CRAZY CHICKEN X finally enabled the game's fans to go grouse hunting again. In developing this game, we here in the Crazy Chicken roost went back to the basics again. So, CRAZY CHICKEN X** again contains some hidden highlights for the players to discover, but the main issue is the number of grouse you manage to hit.

The Game

Much of what the fans have grown so fond of over the years has of course remained. The grouse fly (New: ... and run!) across the landscape, and are knocked down with well-aimed salvos from the hunter's gun as often possible in 90 seconds. Other than that, there's a new design, an altered grouse, new puzzles, new characters and much, much more ...


Official game's website


Deutschlands bekanntestes Huhn kehrt zurück!

Zahlreiche perfekt animierte, lustige Bewegungsabläufe lassen das Huhn nunmehr fast richtig lebendig erscheinen. Die komplett 3D-generierte Spielumgebung und haufenweise verrückte Objekte bilden die grandiose Kulisse wenn es erneut heißt: Triff das Huhn! Diesmal versucht das Moorhuhn aber wirklich alles, um sich vor dem Spieler in Sicherheit zu bringen. Ob es sich in einem alten Ofen verkriecht, in das Klohäuschen flüchtet oder sogar als Sonnenblume verkleidet, nichts wird vom Huhn unversucht gelassen, um dem Jäger zu entkommen.

FEATURES: * Zum ersten Mal komplett 3D-generiert

  • Perfekte Animationen

  • Zahlreiche Gags und geheime Extras

  • 2 Extra-Spiele im Spiel

  • Online Highscore-Liste

  • Aufwendiger Soundtrack

  • Jede Menge Bonusmaterial: Desktopmotive, Making of, SCHNECKEN TRAINER uvm.


Back of Jewel Case - Windows (DE)


La chasse au poulet est ouverte !

Dans ce jeu, un poulet essaye de se protéger des tirs du joueur de toutes les manières possibles : il se réfugie dans vieux four, se barricade dans une maisonnette abandonnée, plonge dans un tonneau et va même jusqu'à se camoufler en tournesol ! Traquez le poulet dans un environnement de jeu en 3D animé et truffés d'objets, qui sont autant de cachettes pour un poulet prêt à tout pour échapper au chasseur.

CARACTERISTIQUES :* Des décors et des objets en 3D

  • Des mouvements très fluides permettent au poulet de se déplacer de manière très réaliste
  • De nombreux gags, des bonus cachés
  • Une bande son de qualité


Back of Keep Case - Windows (FR)

Shoot the hell out of it - with Moorhuhn X

Moorhuhn X is back - also known as Crazy Chicken X and Chicken Hunter. The number 1 classic among the Moorhuhn shooters brings lots of shooting fun with lots of chickens and just as many puzzles. Moorhuhn X has topped the charts for years. Whether with mouse, touch or controller, the boredom is over from now on!

90 seconds to hunt as many chickens and collect as many points as possible. Beat your personal record and compete with players around the world.
Score at least 900 points and solve a few puzzles to unlock the bonus level. This will give you another 45 seconds to push your score really high.

4 mini-games provide additional fun and at the same time help you to understand where chickens are hiding in the game and how you can collect even more points. Of course, your results in these mini-games will also be entered into a respective ranking list.

Every new record you achieve is entered into the online ranking list when you are connected to the internet.

We assure you that no animals were harmed in the production of this game and would like to ask all animal rights activists not to bore us with far-fetched theories.


Steam Store Description

Contributed by Kam1Kaz3NL77, jean-louis.

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