Cronie the Assassin's Mission: The Teddy Bear Payment

Moby ID: 213065

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Windows screenshots

The title screen and menu. This screenshot was taken at the start of the game. Once I had progressed far enough to be able to save the game the CONTINUE option became available
The main menu's SETTINGS option
The start of the game. A girl bursts in almost immediately asking for vengeance
A teddy bear is offered and the contract is sealed
The game often uses dialogue with black screens like this, it usually means some sort of transition is taking place
When Cronie enters the base there is a tutorial. Basically fight and gain double XP and occasional items - potions etc, assassinate and half the XP and no bonus items
In my version this screen had not been translated
The ALT and CTRL keys bring up this menu. From here items can be equipped, health and manna restoring potions can be taken, the game can be saved etc. In the top left is an in-game map I picked up after three or four levels
Potions are taken in the usual way for an RPG
There's not much equipment in the bandit dungeon. I have found a few knives but no armour
This was an interesting level. The different coloured circles are teleports that go in specific directions.
Battle is standard for an RPG of this type. Cronie is occasionally restrained but can, if the player wishes, often escape. until she does not a sex scene unfolds
I don't think I've seen tiles like this since Chip's Challenge. The objective is to find a way to the chest on the right. Standing on a tile moves Cronie in the direction of the arrows on that tile
In the upper left, partially obscured by the map, is a Sokoban type of block shifting puzzle. It is possible to get stuck when laying puzzles like this so save before trying them to avoid replaying
If Cronie loses a fight she is imprisoned and a sex scene follows.
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