The Great Battles of Caesar

aka: Caesar: Die großen Schlachten der Antike, Les Grandes Batailles de César
Moby ID: 21668

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Your Roman army is weak from hunger and outnumbered. Facing a savage cavalry charge, you rally your troops and personally lead your proud legions forward to repulse the horseman. In the distance, you hear fierce battle cries as your reinforcements sweep to victory, exactly as planned. Once again, you came, you saw, you conquered!

Take command

Control of Rome and its hard-won provinces balances on the point of a spear. As Julius Caesar, you can cross the Rubicon and lead you troops to Rome and the supreme power. Or, as Pompey the Great, Marius, Sulla, or any other of their subordinates, you might just defeat mighty Caesar and rewrite the history books, Either way, the prize of the greatest nation on earth is yours to conquer. Or to lose.

Great Caesar's Ghost

Can you match the brilliant battlefield exploits of Julius Caesar, one of the greatest military minds in history? To find out, you must accept the challenges of THE GREAT BATTLES OF CAESAR.


  • Covers Caesar's civil war campaign and multiple battles in one package for more variety and excellent gameplay value.
  • Contains detailed artwork and accurate battle simulations true to Julius Caesar's era.
  • Realistic, detailed units of soldiers, horses, and chariots are completely animated while moving, manoeuvring or fighting.
  • Contains solitaire and easy multi-player capabilities - wage war against a clever computer-controlled enemy or use a modem, local area network, or Internet connection to match wits with friends.
  • The crafty artificial intelligence provides a challenging opponent for solo games.
  • Realistic ambient ancient battle sound effects
  • Assume the role of Julius Caesar or any of his (many) enemies.
  • Fortifications and siege style of play offer a fresh gaming experience.
  • Reinforcements arriving in subsequent turns change the initial balance of forces in a scenario.


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Contributed by Luis Silva.

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