Vivisector: Beast Within

aka: Duke Nukem: Endangered Species, Vivisector: Creatures of Dr. Moreau, Vivisector: Dusza Bestii
Moby ID: 21823

Action Forms Ltd. announces new 3D action game

Kiev, Ukraine, December 27, 2001... video game developer Action Forms Ltd., famous for creating Chasm: the Rift and Carnivores series games is proud to announce its upcoming title Vivisector: Creatures of Dr. Moreau. The game combines deep twisted storyline with hardcore action that will satisfy even most demanding gamers. Influenced by the Herbert Well's classic novel "Island of Dr.Moreau", it represents our own vision on what could have happened about the latitude 1' S and longitude 107' W, one hundred years after the events described in the book.

As the fates decree and by means of unexpected circumstances, player finds himself abandoned on the Noble's Isle. Seeing no other chance for him to survive, he starts to explore the lost world. Proceeding further inland one realizes that this unknown place is not at all uninhabited. In fact, it serves as a proving ground for the newest biological technologies during the last century. Striding deeper reveals that you've chosen a bad time to appear on this damned land...

Literally treated by suspense, Vivisector will expand the boundaries of your primal fear by bringing you to the weirdest place ever existed on Earth, Dr. Moreau's isle, where you'll have to fight against macabre victims of brutal and inhuman experiments.

Visit for detailed information on the game.


Press release (27th December 2001)


Title: Vivisector: Beast inside

Developer: Action Forms

Publisher: 1C Company

Release date: Q1 2004

Vivisector: Beast inside is a unique mixture of 3D Action/Horror that blends an immersive interactive story with intense, high-adrenaline action immerse players in a rich and fascinating storyline. In the year 1878, the mysterious Dr. Morhead built a laboratory on the remote Soreo Isle and resumed his experiments... Violating the very foundations of nature, his work was aimed at the creation of a new form of living being - animals that look, feel and behave more like humans.

Many years of hard labor were spent in hopes of bringing his desire into reality, the creation of a new type of clean and perfect community. He achieved remarkable results in giving animals a human look, but there was one thing he did not take into account: Animals are born as the children of nature, so their suffering bodies retained wild souls. The creatures' true nature could not be concealed forever, and the day came when Dr. Morhead fell prey to his own creations. "The Temple of Rebirth" burned to the ground.

Years later, this island was visited by the H. M. S. Spider and a party of sailors went ashore...and first found nothing save some small, indigenous wildlife...until they met the real inhabitants of Soreo Isle. The mysterious world of Vivisector consists of a more than sixteen huge levels, logically put together to form an integral island. Players will have to struggle and fight their way through lush tropical jungles, deep woods and snowy mountains.

Features* AtmosFear engine that combines state of the art rendering technologies for both indoor and outdoor environments. * A deep and frightening interactive storyline. * Character development system * Bizarre never-before-seen enemies, ModBeasts and Humanimals, each with unique abilities, tactics and firepower.


Press release (20th May 2003)

Vivisector: Beast Inside preview at E3

PointSoft, a leading European computer games publisher has announced they will be showcasing Vivisector: Beast Inside at the 2004 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).

PointSoft and 1C who develop Vivisector will be exhibiting at booth # 6059 in Kentia Hall. E3 2004 will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center May 12-14.

Vivisector: Beast Inside is an original first person shooter combining a unique mixture of 3D Action and Horror that blends an interactive story with intense, high-adrenaline action which immerses players in to a rich and fascinating storyline.

In the year 1878, the mysterious Dr. Morhead built a laboratory on the remote Soreo Isle and resumed his experiments... Violating the very foundations of nature, his work was aimed at the creation of a new form of living being - animals that look, feel and behave more like humans.

The mysterious world of Vivisector consists of a more than sixteen huge levels, logically put together to form an integral island. Players will have to struggle and fight their way through lush tropical jungles, deep woods and snowy mountains.

The game also features an AtmosFear engine that combines state of the art rendering technologies for both indoor and outdoor environments and Bizarre never-before-seen enemies, ModBeasts and Humanimals, each with unique abilities, tactics and firepower.

Vivisector Beast Inside is scheduled for release in September 2004.


Press release (28th April 2004)


Brand new games label, Brigades, set to unleash beast of a shooter with Vivisector in October.

The World Wildlife Fund would not approve. PETA would stage a protest. Rolf Harris would have to build a cybernetic laboratory into the Animal Hospital. Vivisector, from Brigades, will be the first first-person shooter to feature a menagerie of cyborg-animals for gamers to blow away when released this October for PC.

The year is 1878. A twisted scientific genius by the name of Dr Morhead is exiled from Britain for his fiendish experiments on animals. Ostracised by the establishment, he establishes a new laboratory on the distant Island of Soreo where he continues his life's work only to find that he is little bit too successful. Something goes awry and all communication is lost with the island.

Fast forward to 1978. Special Forces soldier, Kurt Robinson, is despatched to Soreo under orders to quell a rebel force by his high command. However, all is not what it seems and Kurt soon finds that rebels would have been a nice alternative to what he does find.

As Kurt, the player will be thrown into the lion's den - literally. There are 24 huge levels ranging from scientific complexes and laboratories to sprawling outdoor environments, including steaming jungle and mountainous terrain. The going will be treacherous. Dr Morhead has been busy and created no less than 20 different cybernetically-altered beasts all of which are baying for human blood.

The enemies are divided into three classes; Modbeasts, the numerous foot soldiers of the animal army; Humanimals, craftier bipedal warriors; and finally Overbrutes, the fearsome elite adversaries that are as powerful as they intelligent.

Being an elite soldier has its benefits though. There are 16 different types weapon with which to slice, snipe and vaporise the legion of technologically enhanced adversaries. Not only will the player's targets gorily fly to pieces under the onslaught, thanks to state of the art skinning on the character models but the physics engine will ensure satisfying death-throes whether enemies are gunned-down or blown-up.

Vivisector also features a proprietary engine called AtmosFear. The engine enables the developer to create huge outdoor environments with photorealistic vegetation while simultaneously coping with more claustrophobic interior levels.

A further addition to the gameplay is the player's ability to improve his statistics. Speed, Resistance, Aim Stability and Health can all be increased through earning points during the game by efficiently killing enemies, careful exploration and completing tasks.

Prepare for unmatched, ferocious gameplay when Vivisector marks its territory this autumn. Vivisector is developed by Action Forms and will be published by Brigades and distributed by Interactive Ideas in the UK this October for PC.


Press release (2nd July 2004)


Developer: Action Forms

Platforms: PC

Release date: Q1 2005

Genre: First-Person Action

Game Overview

Vivisector: Beast inside is a unique mixture of 3D Action/Horror that blends an immersive interactive story with intense, high-adrenaline action. In the year 1878, the mysterious Dr. Morhead built a laboratory on the remote Soreo Isle and resumed his experiments on human/animal hybrid genetics, violating the very foundations of nature. His work was aimed at the creation of animals that look, feel and behave more like humans. He has created bizarre never-before seen creatures, ModBeasts, Humanimals and Brutes, each kind with unique abilities, tactics and firepower.

After many years of hard labor bringing his desire into reality, Dr. Morhead achieved remarkable results in giving animals a human look, but there was one thing he did not take into account: Animals are born as the children of nature, so their powerful bodies retained wild souls. The creatures' true nature could not be concealed forever, and the day came when Dr. Morhead fell prey to his own creations. Years later, this island was visited by the H. M. S. Spider and a party of sailors went ashore...and first found nothing but some small, indigenous wildlife...until they met the real inhabitants of Soreo Isle. The mysterious world of Vivisector consists of a more than sixteen huge levels, pitting players against the wild unpredictable natives of Soreo Isle while struggling their way through lush tropical jungles, deep woods and snowy mountains.


Fact sheet (1st September 2004)

Vivisector: Beast Inside

Title: Vivisector: Beast Inside

Developer: Action Forms

Platforms: PC

Release date: 2005

Genre: First-Person Action

This title is a unique mixture of 3D Action/Horror that blends an immersive interactive story with intense, high-adrenaline action. In the year 1878, the mysterious Dr. Morhead built a laboratory on the remote Soreo Isle and started his experiments on human/animal hybrid genetics, violating the very foundations of nature. His work was aimed at the creation of animals that look, feel and behave more like humans. He created bizarre never-before seen creatures, ModBeasts, Humanimals and Brutes, each kind with unique abilities, tactics and firepower.

After many years of hard labor bringing his desires into reality, Dr. Morhead achieved remarkable results in giving animals a human look, but there was one thing he did not take into account: animals are born as the children of nature, so their powerful bodies retained wild souls. The creatures' true nature could not be concealed forever, and the day came when Dr. Morhead fell prey to his own creations.

Years later, this island was visited by the H. M. S. Spider and a party of sailors went ashore and first found nothing but some small, indigenous wildlife...until they met the real inhabitants of Soreo Isle. The mysterious world of Vivisector consists of a more than sixteen huge levels, pitting players against the wild unpredictable natives of Soreo Isle while struggling their way through lush tropical jungles, deep woods and snowy mountains.


Press release (21st May 2005)

"Вивисектор: зверь внутри" - это мощная смесь леденящего хоррора и ураганного 3D-action'а, подчинённая жёстким законам стремительно развивающегося сюжета. Игровой мир представляет собой изолированный в океане остров, разбитый на множество взаимосвязанных уровней. Ваш путь будет пролегать через тропические джунгли, густые леса и заснеженные горы. Продираясь через огромные экспериментальные комплексы, Вы ощутите на собственной шкуре, чего может добиться человеческий гений, направленный в ложное русло. Вы столкнетесь с чудом выжившими солдатами, которые были брошены здесь на верную гибель. Окруженные искусственно созданными зверо-людьми, они без разбору стреляют в сторону любого шороха или движения. Только среди них Вы почувствуете, что значит быть настоящим человеком среди этих диких существ - неудавшихся подобий людей.

Особенности игры

  • Игровой движок собственной разработки "AtmosFear engine" сочетает в себе возможности обработки как закрытых комплексных структур, так и открытых пространств. Разработанный для полной поддержки графического интерфейса Direct3D, он по максимуму использует возможности современных 3D ускорителей.
  • Код обработки открытых пространств способен отображать огромные территории, заполненные фотореалистичной растительностью, на которых отсутствуют какие бы то ни было ограничения на свободу перемещения по игровому миру.
  • Абсолютно новый обработчик комплексной геометрии, ядром которого является система V-COLD, предоставляет значительно больше возможностей, чем множество других современных 3D движков.
  • Насыщенный действием и загадками сценарий не даст Вам возможности перевести дыхание на протяжении всей игры.
  • Система развития персонажа позволяет тренировать способности игрока и модернизировать оружие.
  • Абсолютно уникальные враги, названные ModBeasts, HumAnimals и OverBrutes, имеющие неповторимые способности, вооружение и тактику ведения боя.
  • Интуитивная система подсчета очков поощряет любопытного игрока за исследование игрового мира и результативность действий в бою. Эти с трудом добытые очки можно использовать для развития своего персонажа и улучшения характеристик оружия.
  • Чтобы не потеряться в огромном мире "Вивисектора", на уровнях с открытой местностью игроку пригодятся карта и специальные контрольные точки. С их помощью формируется маршрут движения игрока по уровню. Также они используются для восстановления здоровья, боеприпасов и распределения заработанных очков.



"... es ist gruselig, spannungsgeladen und definitiv Action ohne Ende!"

John Romero

(Doom, Deus Ex)


Ein tropisches Eiland bedeckt mit undurchdringbarem Dschungel und versteckt in den endlosen Weiten des Ozeans. Wer auch immer verantwortlich ist für diese grausamen und bizarren Kreaturen, die uns hier erwartet haben, sitzt dieser kranke Geist irgendwo in Sicherheit und beobachtet die Geschehnisse? Amüsiert er sich über die Höllenshow, die er uns bereitet?


  • Ein dynamisch und knallhartes 3D-Actionspiel, inspiriert von H.G. Wells Science Fiction-Buch 'Die Insel des Dr. Moreau'

  • Eine fesselnde Story, die dem Spieler keine Atempause gönnt und zu einem überraschende Ende führt

  • Bizarre Gegner mit unglaublichen Fähigkeiten, Waffen und Taktiken

  • Entwicklung der Kampf-Fähigkeiten des Spieler-Charakters und der Waffensysteme erfordern sorgsames Erforschen der Spielwelt


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