War of the Worlds

aka: Krieg der Welten
Moby ID: 23345


This trivia item contains spoilers about the game's story and ending.

Producer Vincent Cotte mentions in an interview (cf. related links) that they had to respect the movie's story constraints. Humans cannot destroy aliens in the film, and in the game, playing as a tripod, it is almost impossible to die as well. Apparently, they also were not allowed to change the outcome either. Playing as the alien, you will get news reports in the later missions announcing that humans finally have found a way to stop the tripods. While playing, however, nothing hints at that. Therefore, the ending is quite ironic. As you destroy the last boss, you see an announcement that the humans have conquered and fended off the alien invasion. You are then "congratulated". You won the game by losing it all of a sudden, and that is a bit sour.

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Trivia contributed by Sciere.