Meat Puppet

Moby ID: 2792

Windows version

Third-person isometric futuristic shooter

The Good
The graphics are stunning. The character movements (esp. that of Lotus) is very smooth and fluid. The environment creates a bleak atmosphere of what the future may be like. This made the scenery interesting to traverse. The sounds are also good, as is the music.

The Bad
The controls are very difficult to use. Moving with the mouse is preferable, but shooting enemies is very difficult. Also, the enemies are extremely stupid: you shoot one, and it takes another a while to notice. Also, there isn't really a lot of variety in terms of weapons, and each level is timed. This gives you less time to explore.

The Bottom Line
Not quite as good as Crusader, but very fun.

by willyum (1019) on May 31, 2001

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