Wet Attack: The Empire Cums Back

aka: Lula 2: The Sexy Galaxy, Lula: Pimperator Contre Attaque, Lula: The Sexy Empire 2
Moby ID: 3365

Lula conquers the universe! Unlimited fun is awaiting you...

After her last big adventure Lula now has to save her planet Pleasure 6 because the Pimperator threatens to eliminate the inhabitants' lust with a terrible weapon. When our hero Buck finds out about this, he steals a spaceship and tries anything possible to save Lula. (Adventure)

Buck has to get a few bob to upgrade his ancient spaceship. He opens a lucrative business and trades goods at the same time. (Business simulation and real time strategy)

But in space there are a lot of enemies waiting for him. Pirates who want to capture the spaceship, as well as the Pimperator, who tries to eliminate the libido of Pleasure 6, are giving Buck a hard time (3D shooter)

Will Buck manage to save Lula?


Unknown Source

Jetzt kommt Lula!

...und zwar gewaltig!

Release: Mai '99





Noch besser!

Noch größer!

Noch länger!

Noch schöner!

...und alles

mit mir!


Randvoll mit knisternder Lula-Erotik!!!

Auf meiner Fan-Site im Internet zeige ich Dir alles: www.cdv.de

Der Vorgänger WET/LULA - The Sexy Empire war mit über 200.000 verkauften Exemplaren ein europaweiter Erfolg. Chart-Plazierungen konnten in England (Platz 6), Belgien (Platz 5) und natürlich in Deutschland (Platz 2, danach 50 Wochen in den Charts) erzielt werden.


Advertisement in PC Games, June 1999 (German)

Contributed by Xoleras, Kic'N.

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