Stephen King's F13: Ctrl, Alt, ...Shiver

aka: Stephen King's F13: Strg, Alt,...Entsetzen!
Moby ID: 3474

Stephen King's interactive horror for everyday computers

Includes an exclusive CD-ROM novella, Everything's Eventual Games include Bug Splat, No Swimming, and Whack-a-Zombie

Spooky screen savers

Selection of 10 Frightware wallpaper themes and a full set of creepy audio files


Unknown Source

Stephen King’s* F13 ’

At the very top of your seemingly benign keyboard is a row of function keys. On a standard PC, they number F1 to F12. Key F13 doesn't exist. Even on a MAC, the F13 is an unassuming little key that simply captures a displayed screen. What if an F13 with some real potency appeared? Something menacing, a merger of technology and terror brought straight to your desktop. Would you dare strike such a key? A provocative yet unanswered question for horror fans and computer users. Unanswered until now...

Soon, Stephen King's* F13’; will be available to all, but perhaps best reserved for only the bravest of souls. With F13’, Stephen King brings his own enigmatic brand of interactive horror to the screens of everyday computers. F13’ is presented in an imaginative and easy to use format. It is an interactive time-killer and exceptional desktop companion filled with bone-chilling realism and delivered in distinct 'Stephen King' style.

FEATURES "Everything's Eventual": For fans and collectors everywhere, Stephen King's F13’ offers a rare opportunity to own a title that has never been distributed in book form. "Everything's Eventual" is a suspense filled, quick read novella featuring a surly main character, Dink Earnshaw, a social outcast and high school dropout with peculiar talents. A twist of fate and command of interactive technology places him in a position to apply his deadly abilities. To set the stage, F13’ serves up "Everything's Eventual" with detailed illustrations and eerie audio files. The F13’ Digital Bookmark is included and allows you to keep your place in King's gripping tale. F13’

MINI-GAMES: The F13’ Mini-Games require very little practice and can be jumped into with relative ease, allowing computer users everywhere to enjoy a quick and entertaining interactive experience.

Bug Splat: Cockroaches hatch, multiply and scurry across your computer screen. They're everywhere, scrambling and wiggling until you put them out of their misery. Grab a fly swatter, then a newspaper, and in final frenzy a hammer and squash them into a disgusting gooey splat. Nasty fun for roach hunters far and wide!

No Swimming: Not just your usual cyber-fishies! Your tank's infested with ravenous Piranha! Fortunately, you've got a variety of "livestock" to serve up to these swimming meat processors. Once dinner is served, you get to watch the aqua-buffet in progress! Beware, forgetting to feed these pets may have dire consequences to your screen.

Whack-A-Zombie: You're the caretaker of a decaying and forgotten cemetery. Up to now life on the job has been fairly boring. But tonight, zombies are climbing out of their graves, in search of human flesh. To keep things in control, pick up your shovel and whack 'em back into the afterlife.

SCREENSAVERS: The Master of Horror has taken over your monitor, banishing the standard fare of flying kitchen appliances and celebrity mug shots to a murky cyberworld. They've been replaced by screensavers

Murder and Mayhem: Darkness falls on a charming Victorian home. It's lovely and unsuspecting occupant moves from room to room completing her nightly rituals. She is unaware of the intruder that is stalking her until it's too late. Season after season, this homicidal maniac makes his mark and keeps the funeral parlor and moving company buzzing with business.

Creature Under My Bed: A calm image of someone in a deep slumber under the blankets changes to a nightmare when something under the carpet takes shape and moves towards the bed. Gargoyles fly overhead and other mischievous happenings surround the occupant. Sudden distractions cause the demons to fall back into the shadows.

Frightware’ Trivia: You think you know all there is to know about Stephen King? Brush up on your "King" lore with Frightware’ Trivia.

Evil Genius At Work: A lively caricature of Stephen King types away at the corner of your monitor. On screen text generating a random real-time story is accompanied by atmospheric sound effects during key plot events and the click, click of the keyboard continues as the story unfolds.

The Works: A selection of Stephen King's published titles and summaries spontaneously appear in abstract format, reminding you of each haunting tale.

It's Just Lightning: An electrical surge results in a power failure, sending you down to the basement in the midst of a lightning storm to fix that blown fuse. A creepy clown is perched on an open trunk and he seems to move with every flash of lightning.

Terror Eyes: You remember looking at paintings and no matter where you stood, you felt as though you were being watched? Multiple sets of eyes lurk on a flesh colored background watching your every move.

DESKTOP THEMES & MORE F13’ offers a selection of 10 'Frightware' wallpaper themes and a full set of creepy audio files. These can be installed to replace system alerts on your computer and add a haunting change to the usual system error 'beep'!

Available on Hybrid PC/Mac CD JANUARY 2000

Source: (The Official Site)

Contributed by Matthew Bailey, Terrence Bosky.

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