The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome

Moby ID: 39295

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Windows credits (2007)

228 people (198 professional roles, 30 thanks) with 234 credits.

A&E Television Networks

Director, Licensing Carrie Trimmer
Category Manager, Licensing Amy Habbas
Affiliate Relations Manager, EMEA Helen Edwards
VP, International Ad Sales Rick North
Director, International & Enterprises Corporate Communications Kerri Tarmey

Slitherine Software

Programming Philip Veale
Art Alex Scarrow, Richard Evans
Design Iain McNeil
Business Management J. D. McNeil
Music Michael Rubino
Research Assistance Nicolas Fincher, Paul Robinson, Nik Gaukroger
Special Thanks to Osprey Books
Map Design Pyross, Master of Darkness, Stalins Organ, Ispanico

Black Bean -

Head of Marketing Marco A. Minoli
Product Manager Carlotta Micol Bianchi
Operations Manager Gabriele Alemani
PR Manager Livio Cantagallo
Sales Manager Marco Boldini, Giovanni Vottero Ciomè
Special Thanks to Virgilio Bixio Bordonaro, Luisa Bixio Bordonaro, Maurizio Ruvolo, Riccardo Fedeli, Alessandra Tomasina, Marco Neri, Mario Vacca, Chris Mehers
Special thanks to Synthesis International S.r.l. Luca Artoni, Irène Panzeri, Pasquale Stacchiotti, Anna Vernocchi, Maria-Claudia Rampiconi, Francesca Cecca
Videos Edited by Maverick Media Ltd. Seamus Masterson, Chris Chapman, Masato Reiser, Square Zero
Media Creative by GP Design Partnership Pete Anderson, Mark Jones
A special thanks to David Christopher (for starting it all!)
Beta Testers Kaveh420, Juliaset, Cothyso, Untitledone, Fischfutter Lastride, Blue Destiny, Crendor, Teutonic, Fordys Becket, Masterofdarknes5, Arrigo Velicogna, Andrewalex, Ganda Stalins Organ, Pyrrhos, Atlazjr, Dark4Ngel, Zolmaz Mikko242, Therlun, Kiklow, Mickey Knox, Meklara Cironir, Bvg, Splore, Mamyd, Tuigi69 Jassemon, Lame Duck, Bored Lyron, Coozooroo, Kwikblade Anguille02, Taibi, Gusbucket13, Egm, Joevandal The_Flavius, Adherbal, Runaway Sparrow, Alphamaslak, Jomppe Rize, Maddin, Thankee, Pcstudent, Zounas Samwell129, Lavaxxx, Kalaris, Lynx_Eyed, Shotokan12, Simmybear31, Carolus Xii, Kantenbauer, Sparts, Koppa Serben, The Hunter, Karo78, Dunnsyndrome, Shono Timmonk, Anarchon, Kimmo76, Zarennon, Rege197, Trex159, Rubinomusic, Gost_God, Sr_Tem, Silentripper Sarpedon, Phoenixblade, Lightboy, Eightflash , Safter Zeikko, Irtehask , Lukgracz, Ddllro, Barsby Drbillyg, Threethreads, Alphamoose, Olleper, Xxnewfolderxx Puppet-Master, Cleefe, Vitaly91, Emperor7, Ptolemy Flybynyte, Paradise-Nz, Paolino, Pirski, Gen3D Xasf, Verp239, Sto0Z, Adurin, Highfist Baccardi84, Yukon Jack, Tecsys3, Leonardoaveter, Jyre89, Iced_Eagle, Droisntns, -Tet-, Luigi Augustus, Rlechowich, Bt86Bt, Armien, Badinfo, Derwulf, Urania Col_D, Blond_Knight, Luopio, Tomisama, Sarukhan Panthera, Xenophoob, Hellasvagabond, Onejay65, Yuhed Dagr, J0K3R666, Valirius, Exanimis, Royco-Cup Mendipbus, Jfrancisco, Xelinor, Penguinism, Mole6519, Daveyjj, Tlj101010, Pionnier, Rejlii, Jarko Doctrinedark75, Toddk, Raptor159, Momoyo, Teutonic_Creeper_, Praetorian, Ravenfire2600, Ziz, Bloddyowl Thog, Puuro, Rmillard7, Zephire, Bloodymassacre Fenris, _Warmaster_, Rossofthemoor, Nickunparalleled, Karuzo Ferrudos, Zombiebite, Deathmaster_666, Cyberg, Feoir Fradlin, Royco-Cup, Foundsoul, Nubian-Rus, Martincarroll Sirollus, Moloco, Bosie, Omaly, Matrix33, Kinetik, Drew3077, Warchid, Kokomo, Abit64, Ispanico, Pyross, J0Zy

cdv Software Entertainment USA

President Tom Gross
CEO Tom Gross
Director of Public Relations Mario Kroll
Director of Marketing Mario Kroll
Director of Sales Don McFatridge
QA Manager David Green
Customer Service Manager David Green
Production Manager Gary Turbide
Marketing Manager Phillip Hall
Office Manager Barbara Wendel
Public Relations Account Manager Ted Brockwood (Calico Media)
Web Editor Mike Davila
Forum Manager Bill Smeed
Customer Support Assistant Bill Smeed
Print Advertising and Additional Graphic Design factor[e] design initiative
Media Planning and Advertising Placement TangibleMedia
Special Thanks The cdv English language forum moderators, Sara/Mafalda/Greg and the Antec team, Leslie and NVIDIA, Claudina/Maria/Chris and the team at Alienware, Michael and Kate of MMPR, the staff of the Vignette Restaurante - San Francisco, Ryan Maxie, and the staff at Sanfu's - Manhattan, Damian Keller, and the staff of The Orchard Hotel - San Francisco, James Fox, and staff at the Roger Smith Hotel - New York City, as well as our friends and families, and our great customers
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Corn Popper.