Pranksters: Treasure of the Indians

aka: Pranksters: Die Rotzlöffel sind los, Rosszcsontok: Az indiánok kincse, Uličníci: Indiánský poklad
Moby ID: 43071

Windows credits (2005)

15 people with 26 credits.

Director of Development, CEO Gabor Gyarmati
Concept Graphics Károly Rózsa
Music Károly Rózsa, Károly Tábori
Lead Graphics, Sound Effects, Website Mihály Sáránszki
OpenGL Rendering Zsolt Prievara
Development Tools Gabor Konyha
Script Programming Gabor Konyha, Zsolt Prievara
Lead Programmer, Game Engine Programmer Lajos Molnár
Level Design Csaba Gyarmati, Zsolt Prievara, Gabor Konyha, Gabriella Romhányi, Tünde Rózsa
Character Animation Csaba Gyarmati, Balázs Nagy
Graphics Zoltán Ludas, Endre Számel, Tamas Kovats
Game Design Gabor Gyarmati, Zoltán Gonda
Modelling Csaba Gyarmati, Balázs Nagy, Mihály Sáránszki, Zoltán Gonda
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Gabor Gyarmati.