The Vortex: Quantum Gate II

Moby ID: 4423

[ Macintosh add ] [ Windows 3.x ]

Windows 3.x credits (1994)

83 people (77 professional roles, 6 thanks) with 107 credits.

Starring John Arp (as Ktee/Gate Technician), James Black (as Saunders), Jamie Callahan (as Michaels), Halle Eavelyn (as Doctor), Annalee Jeffreries (as Dr. Elizabeth Marks), Eleese Lester (as Barbara Griffin), Amy Perry (as The Sayet), Paige Witte (as Illyra/Jenny)
Featuring Troy Blendell (as Edel), Matt Campbell (as the other Gamer), Anne Marie Cummings (as Kiat, Drew's wife), Sean G. Griffin (as Min), Babo Harrison (as female Kiyaapoe), Chuck Hudson (as Tishan), Edmonia Jarrett (as Poeeka), Mark Jenkins (as Meekah the swordmaster), Scott Koh (as male Kiyaapoe), Robert I. Lee (as Aylinde Tribe Leader), John Locher (as Un Delegate), Suzanne McGaffey (as Kaztani the healer), Brandon McWhorter (as the Gamer), Leslie Roach (as Drew's Aylinde Child), Mary Ryan (as Jian the weaver), Patricia Snow (as Un Delegate)
Base Personnel Ruth Aguilar (as Sergeant Cranshaw), Joyce Anastasia (as Marie the nurse), Russell Andrews (as Lieutenant Andrews), Peter Baquet (as Private Alvarez), James Belcher (as Vincent the cook), Paige Hart (as Un Guard), J. D. Hawkins (as Private Hawkins), Jim McQueen (as John the mechanic), Jerry Miller (as Un Officer), Wade Mylius (as Private Lopez), Charles Sanders (as Charlie the researcher), Spike Spencer (as Private Hynick), Tashima Thomas (as Private Whalen)
Aylinde Tribespeople Mark Arend, Deb Baker, Martin Buchanan, Piper Henry, Paul Wayne Hiaumet, Pete Isensee, Robert J. Martin, Ken McCaw, Melanie McClaire, Terence McSweeney, Robert Nadir, Bill Robison, Candace Schecter, Jerry Sumpter, Keith Watts, Colleen Whalen
Film Crew Malinda Bailey (Assistant Director/Fly Man), Brian Butz (Production Assistant), John Demous (Production Manager/Fly Man), Michele M. Dunn (Hair & Make-Up), Cory Giles (Production Assistant), Paul Wayne Hiaumet (Recording Engineer/Fly Man), Chuck Hudson (Movement Specialist), Brandon McWhorter (Key Man), Lisa Montanye (Production Assistant), J. P. Mullen (Stage Manager), Greg Roach (Director), Candace Schecter (Script Supervisor), Diedre Sousa (Production Assistant), Garet Veley (Lighting)
Production Staff Mark Arend (Software Lead/Systems Administration), Malinda Bailey (Producer/Assistant Editor), Deb Baker (Finances), Graeme Bayless (Associate Producer/Story Consultant), Alvin Castle (Editing/Rotoscope Effects/Wing Work), Steffani Compton (Costume Design), Kristina Corbit (Wing Work), John Demous (Editing/Systems Administration), Michele M. Dunn (Costume Design), Halle Eavelyn (Executive Producer/Rotoscope Effects), Paul Wayne Hiaumet (Musical Score/Sound Design), Chuck Hudson (Aylinde Research), Pete Isensee (Software Engineer), Shilo Jones (Advertising), Jeffrey Lane (Softimage/3D Magic/Rotoscope Effects), Lawrence Langs (Legal Consultant), John Locher (Marketing & Publicity), Robert J. Martin (Office Manager), Lisa Matthews (Finances), Ken McCaw (Software Engineer), Melanie McClaire (Software Engineer), Brandon McWhorter (Editing), Ken Nicholson (Story Consultant), Mike Nishiyama (Legal Consultant), Candice Pacheco (of D'Cuckoo, Soundtrack), Randy Reeves (Softimage/3D Magic/Otiya Design), Greg Roach (Director/Writer/Editor/Special Visual Effects), Candace Schecter (Operations Manager), Patricia Snow (Software Engineer/Otiya Tree Sculpture), Jerry Sumpter (Graphic Design/Rotoscope Effects), Paul Taylor (Focus Group Testing), Keith Watts (Software Engineer), Colleen Whalen (Graphic Design), Brian Lowe (lead tester)
Special Thanks Trish Bayless, Heidi Holicker, Vance Martin, Chandler McKaig, Michael Prohaska (and the Screen Actors Guild), Bob Salazar
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Thomas MacDevitt, Accatone.