Marble Madness

Moby ID: 466

This arcade classic appears for the first time on the dedicated color-exclusive Game Boy Color! Steel your marble through each course as fast as you can without losing control!

  • **Avoid enemies such as the Vacuum Cleaner, Acid Puddles, Marble Munchers & more!

  • Multiple course paths provide replay value as you find the fastest path**


Back of box - Game Boy Color

Τhe arcade hit comes tο the Mega Drive. Watch out for crazy, but deadly. enemies alοng the way. 3 levels οf skill, 6 levels οf raceways. Challenge a friend tο roll for that goal!

Τοute l'actiοn du jeu à succès de type arcade. gσrde aux ennemis fous et mortels qui attendent tout οu long du jeu. 3 niveaux de difficulté, 6 pistes passionnantes. Allez, foncez dans cette αctίοπ qui νous saisit aux. ripes.

Die volle spannung des Spielhallen-Schlagers. Aufgepaßt! Unterwegs lauern verrückte und gefährliche Feinde. 3 verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade, 6 atemberaubende Rennbahnen. Kοpf-an-Kopf-Rennen für starke Nerven.

Τοda Ιa acción de las salas de juegο. Esté al tanto de los enemigos km y mοrtiferos que se encοntrará en el caminο. 3 niveles de dificultad, 6 pistas emοciοnantes. Láncese de cabeza a este retο apasiοnante.

Τutta l'ατίοne di questο success delle sale giochi. Attenti ai pazzi e mοrtali nemici lunge il ρercorsο. 3 livelli di diffkοltá, 6 corse entusiasmanti. Gettatevi/buttatevi/lanciatevi a capofittο nell'aziοne più esaltante/stimοlante di tutti tempi.

Wittig arkadspels-action. Se upp för gaina och livsfarliga fiender på vagen. 3 svårighetsnivåer, 6 spännande banor. Spela man-mot-man i gastkramande kraftmätning.

Met evenveel actie als het speelhal-succes! Pas ορ voor krankzinnige en dodelijke vijanden ορ je weg. 3 mοeilijkheidsgraden, 6 ,opwindende racebanen. Cοnfrοnteer de νίjαnd οοr waanzinnige actie.


Back of Case - Sega Mega Drive (Europe)


The game that drove them crazy at the arcades now comes home. Same exciting game-play, same blow-away graphics, sounds and music.

A unique game experience that's crazy fun for everyone. Two players race to the goal line, or one player races against the clock. It's sports competition, kinetics and strategy.

ULTIMATE COMPETITION for 1 or 2 players.
The object is simple. Race your marble to the goal line, and don't let anything get in your way. It sounds easy, but it just might drive you nuts.

Fantastic 3-D terrains are the raceways. Zany (but dangerous) enemies await your every turn. Avoid the deadly Steelies and the pounding hammers; watch out for hungry Marble Munchers; even surf a mechanical wave.

Marble Madness often the ultimate in exciting non-stop action. It's not easy being a marble; make it to the Ultimate Race and you'll learn why.

Six different levels of raceways, each with an original music score. Every level has its own "personality" and creatures to contend with. Have a blast in the Silly Race, but remember, everything you know is wrong!


Back of Cardboard Folder - Amiga/C64/PC Booter (US)


Roll to the goal in a race against time!


Each track is a unique maze of treacherous terrain and marble menace. Can you stay in control? Can you sneak past the Marble Munchers and beat the Steelies?

Race against the clock or against a friend! Whichever way you play, you'll be right on the edge to the very last ledge! ______________________________________

Jedes der 6 Labyrinthe ist durch seinen Geländeaufbau und viele Fallen eine neue Gemeinheit für die Kugel.

Kannst du sie unter Kontrolle halten? Gierigen Kugelfressern geh aus dem Weg, kampfeslustige Stahlkugeln ramm aus dem Weg! Kannst du gegen die Zeit gewinnen? Oder läßt du lieber eine gegnerishe Kugel hinter dir? Wofür du dich auch entscheidest, du stehst immer am Abgrund!

For Children 8 years and over and adults


***Turbocharge your marble past pitfalls and deadly enemies!

Can you catch a wave for a shortcut and bonus points?

Reach the Final Goal to make the Hall of High Rollers!***


Back of Box - NES (DE-UK)

Are you ready to rock and roll? Avoid pitfalls and obstacles or you'll lose your marbles in this classic dexterity challenge.


Antstream description

Contributed by Corn Popper, jean-louis, ケヴィン, lights out party.

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