Tommy's Egg

Moby ID: 50435

DOS version

Dated but rock hard

The Good
This game deceived me. I played it on a low difficulty setting and after five minutes I was composing a review about this being the most boring game I'd ever played. After ten minutes I let my concentration lapse and killed off the egg. Ten minutes of occasionally moving right / left is a long time.
Then I played it on a harder setting. This is where the game comes alive. I lasted less than 20 seconds. I let the computer play on demo mode hoping that by watching it I'd pick up some tips, it generally lasted no more than 30 seconds.
On the harder setting there are more obstacles to avoid - should I get ahead of them or try to slip in behind? The chasm twists treacherously with some incredibly tight steering required. There are more bad guys and they are positioned at corners where you're likely to slow down.

The Bad
On low difficulty levels its so boring I wondered how anyone had the nerve to release it commercially. On the highest difficulty setting it can be a very, very short game

The Bottom Line
Its a very simple game and it looks very dated, however on the harder settings its quite addictive.
Its the kind of game that you play once or twice and think,"I'll just have one more go because I know I can do better than that". However once you've got achieved your good score I would not expect it to stay on your p.c. for very long

by piltdown_man (242850) on February 13, 2011

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