Rayman Arena

aka: Rayman M
Moby ID: 5526


RACE & BATTLE: 2 modes of gameplay offer up a variety of ways to defeat your opponent and reign supreme.

UNLEASH NEW CHARACTERS: 8 playable characters, including the cast of Rayman 2, plus all new characters.

MULTIPLAYER MADNESS: Compete with up to 4 players for intense multiplayer action.

IMMERSIVE WORLDS: Delve into 3D immense battle arenas and racetracks filled with detailed environments and hidden areas.


Back of Case - PlayStation 2

The first ever action-intensive multiplayer game in the Rayman franchise, Rayman Arena combines intense foot racing action and gladiator-style battles featuring the cast and environments of the Rayman universe. Supporting up to four players, you'll immerse yourself in 24 different worlds and unleash the power of each Rayman character in the quest to reign supreme!


"Nintendo Winter 2002" promotional booklet - GameCube


RACE & BATTLE: 2 modes of gameplay offer up a variety of ways to defeat your opponent and reign supreme.

UNLEASH NEW CHARACTERS: 9 playable characters, including the cast of Rayman® 2, plus all-new characters.

MULTIPLAYER MADNESS: Compete with up to 4 players for intense multiplayer action.

IMMERSIVE WORLDS: Delve into 24 immense battle arenas and racetracks filled with detailed environments and hidden areas.*


Back of Keep Case - GameCube/Xbox (US)


Un Rayman Multijoueur 100% action !

Retrouvez Rayman et 7 personnages de son univers dans un challenge délirant !

Combats acharnés et Courses poursuites ultra-rapides vous attendent à travers 30 niveaux de jeu. En solo ou à plusieurs, relevez le défi Rayman M en remportant ces 2 épreuves.

Adeptes des sensations fortes, à vos manettes !!!

  • Maîtrisez de nouveaux personnages et de nouvelles armes : 8 personnages jouables, 16 nouvelles « skins » délirantes, 11 armes inédites : la sangsue, la bombe glue, la mouche rocket
  • Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer ! 4 environnements graphiques envoûtants, jusqu'à 3 adversaires autonomes pour s'entraîner et de nombreux bonus pour pimenter les parties.

«Les graphismes chaleureux nous rappellent cet univers si caractéristique qui a fait le succès de Rayman...c'est un plaisir d'évoluer dans cette joyeuse pagaille »



Back of Keep Case (eXclusive Collection) - Windows (FR)

Sei pronto per nuove sfide in multiplayer? Lascia alle spalle i tuoi avversari in percorsi ad altissima velocità, e annienta i nemici che osano fronteggiarti nell'arena!

*** Due modalita di gioco,

Battle e Race per sfide illimitate:**

-12 percorsi e 12 arene

  • 3 diverse modalità di gioco sia per Race, sia per Battle

  • 6 livelli bonus

* Nuovi personaggi e 11 armi imprevedibili. * Azione frenetica:

  • competizioni multiplayer da 2 a 4 giocatori in split-screen.

  • Bot dall'intelligenza adattabile alle capacità del proprio avversario.

  • Alla tua abilita il compito di sbloccare nuove zone e nuovi livelli di gioco!

* Terre inesplorate in un nuovo misterioso universo:

  • Sound Design personalizzato: ad ogni personaggio corrisponde un tema musicale... solo se sarai il vincitore avrai il privilegio di dare al gioco la tua "colonna sonora"!

  • Padroneggia il tuo territorio di gioco per essere primo al termine della sfida: tranelli, passaggi segreti e un pizzico di strategia saranno tuoi preziosissimi alleati!


Back of Box - Windows (IT)

Würdest Du alles tun, um zu gewinnen? Gut, dann solltest Du nickt über Deine Gegner stolpern! Stelle innen Fallen im High Speed Modus und kämpfe wie ein Gladiator in der Arena.

* Ein 2-Modi-Gameplay wartet auf Dich:

  • 12 Rennstrecken sowie 12 Kampf-Arenen

  • Jeweils 3 unterschiedliche Spielebenen im Race- und Battle-Modus.

  • 6 Bonus Levels

* 8 gerissene Charaktere stehen Dir zur Verfügung * Ein völlig abgefahrenes Spiel!

  • Erlebe mit Freunden im 2-Player-Splitscreen pure Action.

  • Die Computergegner passen sich Deinen Fähigkeiten an und motivieren Dich, den nächsten Level zu erreichen.

* Erkunde unglaubliche Welten!

  • Maßgeschneiderte Sounds: jeder Charakter hat sein eigenes Sound-Design.

  • Studiere die Umgebung und sei in allem, was Du tust schneller. Trickse Deine Gegner aus und nutze die zahlreichen geheimen Wege.

  • Treibe Deine Gegner zum Wahnsinn durch waghalsige Stunts und schnelle Richtungswechsel.


Back of Box - Windows (DE)

Contributed by Corn Popper, jean-louis, Joshua J. Slone.

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