Captain Speaking 2002

Moby ID: 58415

Windows screenshots

Installation menu
Purchasing/unlocking tool for additional adventures. (unusable after 2010 - the last selectable credit card expiry year)
Step 1: Select a Captain Speaking Adventure from this list, and let it load up. (Midlands->Dublin)
The first selection now loads a standard aircraft, either this turboprop or a larger airliner, depending on selected adventure. It is possible to change aircraft, as long as the types are similar.
Step 2: Now select the very same adventure as before from the FS2000 adventure list; this starts the interaction with the scripts.
Here you get a related text briefing in English, French and German. The route is set, but not the height. This adventure is only in English ATC voice.
The adventure text script starts, asking for airline and language, and then the requested flight level. (Suitable FL is depending on aircraft used, some suggestion are listed in the manual)
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