
Moby ID: 58688

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Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 1 ratings)

Cluedo meets the PC

The Good
The first thing you notice are the clear instructions with the game or on screen, which inform you of what you need to do & what it is about. Although the game only contains text graphics it is clear what is going on, & everything can be seen.

The game is simple to play but harder to win, which holds your interest for awhile. For an 1983 game the characterisation is good, although they only do simple things, & the items littered around the house, although basic, add atmosphere. The game is random, so the killer, victim, weapon, murder room change each game. There are two House layouts that appear.

The Bad
Although the instructions are good, it doesn't really inform you about finding the room where murder takes place or secret room, which can be important. Failed to complete mission first four times as didn't know what I really should be looking for & doing.

The Bottom Line
This seems to have been an early shareware game, which makes it more impressive, as it would have held your interest for awhile at the time. Some of the comments in game are witty. When I was finally successful in all three objectives, murderer said ' He deeply regretted killing Daryl, but I regret more that I was discovered by an incompetent fool who is fit only to peddle parking tickets' Charming.

I have always been a fan of Cluedo, & despite simple graphics is a good version, & playable in short bursts.

DOS · by zorkman (132) · 2016