Wall $treet Raider

Moby ID: 62136

[ All ] [ DOS ] [ Windows ]

Windows screenshots

Windows release, version 6.70 (2013) The game opens with the player's trading desk displaying the start a new game / continue old game option.
Windows release, version 6.70 (2013) The main trading desk is always in view. All other activity, such as player selection, happens in smaller windows
Windows Shareware release, version 6.70 (2013) The teletype of earlier versions has been replaced by the news headlines in the centre of the screen. Purchases are monitored in the right hand pane.
Windows Shareware release, version 6.70 (2013) One of the many reports available. All information screens open in a new window, this one shows the current purchases and includes analyst's advice
Windows Shareware release, version 6.70 (2013) It is possible to buy shares in a company, become it's CEO and either nurture it or asset strip and liquidate it.
Windows Shareware release, version 6.70 (2013) Some of the financial options that are available when the player becomes CEO of a company
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