Texas Hold'em 3D XP Championship

aka: Poker: Texas Hold 'Em, Poker: Texas Hold 'Em 3D
Moby ID: 63415

Windows screenshots

This is the start of the game. There is no menu. The player starts with an empty table and enters their name. all controls are accessed via the menu bar
There is in-game help text. It opens in a new window.
Though the game says it needs a mouse it can be played via the keyboard
Starting a new game. The player has entered their name and chooses their opponents. Shame that all the ladies in the game raise , call e.t.c. with a male voice
This is poker in glorious 3D. Look at those shadows!
MobyGame(r) has lost this hand.
One of the menu bar options is a drop down box that shows the odds of the player making each kind of hand
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