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All-Star Baseball 99

aka: All-Star Baseball 1999
Moby ID: 6533

Nintendo 64 credits (1998)

120 people (75 professional roles, 45 thanks) with 157 credits.


Game Design Larry Walker (1997 NL MVP), Jaime R. Grieves, Bey Bickerton
Play by Play Commentator John Sterling
Color Commentary Michael Kay
Project Manager Jaime R. Grieves
Front-End Design and Layout Jaime R. Grieves
Lead Programmer David Crummack
Technical Liasion David Crummack
Game Programmer David Crummack, Francisco Javier Lafuente, Ed Groover, John Nagle
Front-End Programmer David Crummack, Ed Groover, John Nagle, Jason Gawronek
Lead Artist Michael Taylor
3D Stadiums & Fields Michael Taylor, Tom Green, Trevor Lemoine
Dynamic Lightning Michael Taylor
Lead ATG Marc Mackin
Motion Editing Marc Mackin, Peyton Duncan
Particle FX Marc Mackin
Fielding, Pitching & Batting AI Francisco Javier Lafuente
Tools Programming Francisco Javier Lafuente, John Nagle
Animation Logic Francisco Javier Lafuente
On-Screen Graphics Programmer Ed Groover
Baserunner AI Ed Groover
Particle FX Programmer John Nagle
Play by Play Programmer Jason Gawronek
Support Programmer Jason Gawronek
Quagmire Hi-Res 3D Engine Andy Thyssen, D. Michael Traub, Tomas Arce-Gil
Motion Capture Compression & Playback Andy Thyssen, D. Michael Traub, Tomas Arce-Gil
Soft-Skin & Stadium Rendering System Andy Thyssen, D. Michael Traub, Tomas Arce-Gil
Soft-Skin Player Models Peyton Duncan
Dynamic Lighting Tom Green, Trevor Lemoine
Front-End Graphics Tom Green, Trevor Lemoine
In-Game Graphics Trevor Lemoine
3D Stadiums & Collision Maps Chad Townsend
Player Uniforms Chad Townsend
Player Faces Chad Townsend
Sound Design Marc Schaefgen
N64 Technical Advisor Brian Watson
Sound Driver Programmer Brian Watson
Play by Play Editor Programmer Nathan Daughety
Tools Programmer Nathan Daughety
Motion Compression R&D Austin Appleby
Technical Art Advisor Cid Newman
Front-End Graphics Assistance Tami Crabb
Stadium Collision Maps Art Avila
Game Analyst Einar Pedersen
Motion Capture Talent Scott Hatten
President Jeff Spangenberg
Executive Vice-President of Product Development Darrin Stubbington
Executive Sports Director Russell Byrd
Executive Technical Director Craig Galley
Executive ATG Director Cyrus Lum
Executive Art Director Matt Stubbington
Executive Creative Director Nigel Cook
Executive Audio Director Rick Fox
Original Theme Music Rick Fox
Special Thanks Keith Fox (Mobb Studios), Rob Phelac (Kamen Studios), Jeffrey Gibson, Gary Rowberry, Todd Dowd, Jeff Robinson, Ryan McBride, TL Shelton, Al Artus, Christine Brunelle, Jay Moon, Dave Schwalenberg


Executive Producer Brett Gow
Producer Peter Wanat
QA Manager Carol Caracciolo
QA Supervisor Jeff Rosa, Dale Taylor
QA Lead Analyst James Craddock, James Daly
QA Project Lead Eric Hendrickson, Mark Garone
Game Analyst Matthew McEnerney, Pharoah Sample, Joe Greene, Rich Gomer, Anthony Scaduto, Rich LaRocca, Mike Sterzel, Joe Maiello, Bill Handworth, James Ackermann, Andy Basile, Mat T. Kraemer, Joseph Howell, Stacy Brickel
Tech Support Manager Harry Reimer
Tech Support Supervisor Howard Perlman, Kevin Denehy
Sr Tech Support Greg McGovern, Andrew Fullaytor, John Zigmont
Tech Support Leigh Busch, David Pollick, Ulises Batalla, Brian Lauther
Director of Marketing Robert Picunko
Product Manager - Marketing Michael Jerchower
Asst Product Manager Tom Bass, Kevin Brannan
Game Manual Bill Dickson
Public Relations Michael Meyers
Special Thanks Brad Schlachter (Major League Baseball), Jacquelyn Walsh (Major League Baseball), Jennifer Cooney (Major League Baseball Players Assoc.), Evan Kaplan (Major League Baseball Players Assoc.), Roy Cooler (Mike Schecter Associates), Leena Sheth (Stats Inc.), Shawn David Rosen, Douglas Yellin, Michael Archer, Pat Coleman, Adam Rubin


We would like to thank the following people for their support in our successful completion of All-Star Baseball '99 Melinda Rivera, Laura D'Rear, Nuba, Sharon Taylor, Shea Mackin, Cade Mackin, Angela Baker, Donetta Nagle, Jackie Gawronek, Sumie Arce, Jenifer Thyssen, Sandra, Ashe, Veda, Margaret Scott, Mdicia, Manon Lemdine, Jolie Duncan, Jennifer Massey, ASB '97 Development Team, All of our families, friends & pets
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Credits contributed by Kabushi.