🤔 What game had the working title "Quiver"? (answer)

Puzzler 1000 Wordsearch

Moby ID: 65350

Windows screenshots

This is the game's load screen. It vanishes when the mouse is clicked
Once the load screen disappears the puzzle selection window is displayed. The puzzles are divided into groups corresponding to the five books that source this game
There doesn't seem to be a puzzle for computer games so as curry is one of the world's best foods let's play Spicy. Words on the grid are selected by dragging the cursor over them
There's a nice 'Well Done!' when a puzzle is completed.
Creating a new puzzle. The first step is to enter the words. To do this the player clicks on the green '+' and enters the word in a small sub-window. The game then lists then in alphabetical order.
Puzzles come in different shapes and sizes and user generated puzzles can be saved in many different shapes
Here is the finished masterpiece. It contains the top twenty moby contributor's names as at April 30th 2014
User generated puzzles can be printed with, or without grid spaces but however they are printed the Puzzler logo is prominently displayed. Alternatively they can be 'printed' to a file.
Most puzzles are in the same 14x14 grid and some have pictures inset in them
There are options to change the look of the game. Most, like this one, make it harder to see the words
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