Leisure Suit Larry: Collection Series

aka: Leisure Suit Larry, Leisure Suit Larry 1+2+3+5+6, Leisure Suit Larry 1·2·3·5·6: Collector's Edition
Moby ID: 718

"Larry Laffer (aka Leisure Suit Larry) is the brain child of designed Al Lowe, and the personification of the sleazy little politically incorrect horn-dog lurking inside each and every one of you. Well, lurk no more... let the "little guy" loose on your computer screen in the most hilarious game series ever created!"

  • from the back of the box


Unknown Source

Die Titel Leisure Suit Larry 1 bis 6, dazu Casinospiele, ein Interview mit dem Erfinder von Larry und andere witzige Überraschungen!


1997 Blizzard/Sierra game catalogue - Dos/Win 3.1 (Germany)

Contributed by MZ per X, Tomer Gabel.

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