Games Pack 1

aka: Android Pit Rescue, Battle, Destroyer, Iceberg
Moby ID: 78311

ZX Spectrum screenshots

1. Iceberg: Instructions 1.<br>
1. Iceberg: Instructions 2.<br>
1. Iceberg: Starting the game.<br> The scenario is randomly generated and originally the only present obstacles on the screen are pack-ice forms which are inoffensive.
1. Iceberg: Formation of icebergs.<br> Even if these pack-ice forms can only delay the navigation they too can generate icebergs, which are deadly. The icebreaker is green meaning it's unloaded.
1. Iceberg: Carrying a group of scientists.<br> The colour of the icebreaker turned to yellow meaning that it is presently carrying a group of scientists.
1. Iceberg: Transporting Scientists.<br> The icebreaker has to transport the scientists to the base. Only then it can safely continue his rescuing mission.
1. Iceberg: Drowning Scientists.<br> If the icebreaker was already carrying a group of scientists and tried to pick another one, the second will be drowned and the player will be called murderer!
1. Iceberg: Titanic.<br> After rescuing many groups of scientists many packs of ice were already turned into icebergs, and that's when the player has to be careful not to become a <i>Titanic</i>.
2. Android Pit Rescue: Instructions 1.<br>
2. Android Pit Rescue: Instructions 2.<br>
2. Android Pit Rescue: Generating.<br> The maze inside the mines is randomly generated.
2. Android Pit Rescue: Starting the game.<br> The player's android is located on the upper left corner of the screen identified as green.
2. Android Pit Rescue: Rescuing a miner.<br> The android is carrying a miner to the surface. A flow of water is being generated by then.
2. Android Pit Rescue: Reaching the surface.<br> A single miner can only be carried at a time. Miners have special coats (as the android) to prevent them to drown.
2. Android Pit Rescue: Firing.<br> The android is armoured with 8 charges. They can destroy walls helping the android to carry his rescue when a stream of water blocks a path of the maze.
2. Android Pit Rescue: Destroying the android.<br> Only if the android crosses the water he'll be destroyed.
3. Battle: Instructions 1.<br>
3. Battle: Instructions 2.<br>
3. Battle: Instructions 3.<br>
3. Battle: Starting the Game.<br> A random scenario is generated. Palm trees are represented in green, SAMs in cyan, ICBMs in magenta, the enemy tank in black and water in blue.
3. Battle: Destruction.<br> The player's tank is represented in red. A yellow (*) in a red square represents the player is successfully firing at something.
3. Battle: Miss.<br> The white (*) in a yellow square represents the enemy tank missed a charge against the player's tank. The white icons represent mines dropped by the enemy tank.
3. Battle: Being Hit.<br> The yellow tank in a red square represents the player was hit. The black tank in a yellow square represent an enemy casualty.
3. Battle: Being Hit.<br> Your tank is about to get destroyed.
3. Battle: The game is over.<br>
3. Battle: Using a mortar.<br> Moving through an enemy SAM is equal to use a mortar against it.
3. Battle: Game complete.<br> 9 tanks were destroyed, more than 600 points won, and the player's tank was successfully driven to the border.
4. Destroyer: Instructions 1.<br>
4. Destroyer: Instructions 2.<br>
4. Destroyer: Instructions 3.<br>
4. Destroyer: Starting game - Top line.<br> From left to right: depth set on the last charge; speed; the sub depth if in range.
4. Destroyer: Collision with the merchant ship.<br> If your destroyer collides with the merchant ship, it's immediate game over.
4. Destroyer: Enemy submarine firing.<br> At a certain distance from your destroyer, the enemy can emerge and fire a missile. At this time it's represented by its periscope.
4. Destroyer: Enemy submarine firing.<br> The merchant ship was destroyed.
4. Destroyer: Destroying yourself.<br> Your destroyer's speed wasn't fast enough to avoid the blast of your own charge.
4. Destroyer: Setting a charge.<br> When an enemy sub is submerged, the player can locate it by the quickness of the beeps of the sonar indicating proximity. This nasty is at 5 level depth.
4. Destroyer: Enemy on target.<br> The destroyer ship turns green when is navigating right above a close zone where the enemy sub is located. This one is at 4 level depth and will be destroyed.
4. Destroyer: Enemy carcasses.<br> A representation of a sunken sub indicating that you successfully charged the bomb within the right depth at the right zone.
4. Destroyer: The explosion of a charge.<br> Another destroyed target and the moment of the explosion of another successful charge (eventually).
4. Destroyer: The escape of a Merchant Ship.<br> Even though you successfully managed the merchant ship to safely escape, this is not fundamental for the success of the game.
4. Destroyer: End of game.<br> All the necessary enemy submarines (5) were destroyed and just 2 of 10 merchant ships were sunken by the enemy.
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