Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers

Moby ID: 89310

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Nintendo Switch

May 26, 2017 Release
Published by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Developed by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Additional Graphics by: ACT-iii LLC., Polygon Pictures Inc.
Fonts by: Fontworks Japan Inc.
Countries: flag Japan
Comments: retail release
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May 26, 2017 Release
Published by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Developed by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Distributed by: Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
Localized by: Keywords International Co., Ltd.
Additional Graphics by: Polygon Pictures Inc., ACT-iii LLC.
Voice Production by: New Generation Pictures, Inc.
Voice Recording by: New Generation Pictures, Inc.
Testing by: Keywords International Co., Ltd.
Contributions by: Forcewick Sound Design Co., Ltd
Fonts by: Fontworks Japan Inc.
Countries: flag United States
Comments: download release
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May 26, 2017 Release
Published by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Developed by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Distributed by: CE Europe Ltd.
Localized by: Keywords International Co., Ltd.
Additional Graphics by: ACT-iii LLC., Polygon Pictures Inc.
Voice Production by: New Generation Pictures, Inc.
Voice Recording by: New Generation Pictures, Inc.
Testing by: Keywords International Co., Ltd.
Contributions by: Forcewick Sound Design Co., Ltd
Fonts by: Fontworks Japan Inc.
Countries: flag Australia, flag Austria, flag Belgium, flag France, flag Germany, flag Ireland, flag Italy, flag The Netherlands, flag New Zealand, flag Portugal, flag Russia, flag Spain, flag Switzerland, flag United Kingdom
Comments: download release
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Releases contributed by Kam1Kaz3NL77, Rik Hideto.