Shadow President

aka: Shadow President: The Simulation of Presidential World Power
Moby ID: 9598

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Average score: 64% (based on 8 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 12 ratings with 2 reviews)

For Anyone who's Ever Wanted to Invade Kuwait

The Good
1) There's so much to do! I convinced China to give up it's nuclear weapons arsenal, but only after I instigated a capitalist revolution within Russia. I pestered Ethiopia to improve human rights, and eventually they responded by attempting to assassinate me, so I killed their leader in response. I stopped the Gulf War by turning Iraq into a free society. Then I annexed Kuwait for myself.

2) My wonderful allies With more than twice the influence of any other country, when I did something, everyone else followed suit. When I launched a flurry of peace envoys, so did everyone else in the world, eventually. I dealt with human rights by focusing on the big offenders and eventually every country started promoting human rights and doing pretty well for their own citizenry.

3) The power to remold the world If I gave it enough time and effort, I could change any society in the world, forever.

The Bad
1) There's so much to do! It was impossible to keep track of everything. The middle-eastern nations were at each other's throats, and it was all I could do to keep them from tearing into each other. Especially Iraq, which hated me more than Russia, and was the most common aggressor. In addition to all that, there were a dozen conflicts in Africa and Iraq was spending some serious money on nuclear research.

2) My eternal enemies In spite of my vast influence, all the countries that started out enemies to me seemed to stay enemies eternally. No matter how hard I worked to improve diplomatic channels, they seemed to forever stay hating me.

3) The difficult of remolding the world. It took a lot of effort. A dozen peace envoys doesn't do it. You've just made the society very peaceful, but it's fundamentally the same society - and if it didn't like you to begin with, it probably still doesn't. Try two dozen peace envoys. Now you've just spent a month making one country more peaceful. It's probably pretty ethical and unambitious by now. It still doesn't like you. Did I mention that a month is a long time in this game? Sure, you have the power to do all these things, but at an hour every other second or so, it takes a long time. Since you're constantly interrupted by events, speeding up the clock doesn't help that much. Also, the vast amounts of money demanded in foreign aid are worthless, they just go down the drain. As far as I could see, economies don't improve permanently, but temporarily. When the year ends, they ask for more money, and you're still sending what you sent the year before. In other words, poor countries insisted on staying poor. Grr...

The Bottom Line
It's a semi-turn-based game of foreign policy. Sounds common, but it's not. You can try to dominate the world through military or economic might, you can encourage peace, you can try to remold the world into an egalitarian paradise. The one thing you can't do is improve the plight of the third world. Maybe, though, I simply didn't play long enough to do that. I suppose I'll give it a few more years in-game, and then that might happen too.

DOS · by Nathan Pannbacker (34) · 2005

Interesting "United States foreign policy" simulator.

The Good
Shadow President is a most uncommon game in a most uncommon genre. Foreign policy simulations have always been somewhat unpopular (at least in terms of marketability) for some reason, although the reason for this is somewhat unclear. Most people have at least a rudimentary grasp of international politics, and it stands to reason that a simulator that deals with global wheeling and dealing would attract a reasonably large audience. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Which is a shame, because games like Shadow President are actually quite good and can hold your interest for quite awhile.

Well, enough of that. Time to talk about the game in question...

Shadow President, released in 1991 by DC True, basically puts you into the President of the United States shoes as you direct US interests overseas. The game provides a hard-coded start up scenario in the form of the Persian Gulf War to help you get used to the interface. The game presents a number of possibilities on how to deal with the situation as it guides you through the various menus (the various options the game presents range from reducing the aggression level of the Iraqi government to the point where they will no longer invade all the way to reducing the country to a radioactive glass factory care of your the biggest nuclear weapons in the national arsenal).

After you deal with that particular conflict to your satisfaction, the game will then let you go and do whatever you want to the rest of the world (for good or ill). You can send economic aid to Zaire. You can carpet bomb Moscow. You can assassinate the King of Jordan. You can invade Israel in the morning and make South Africa your "Most Favored Trade Partner" in the afternoon (maybe swing by China for dinner at nice restaurant). You can slash trade tariffs, effectively eliminate the military by removing all the money in it's budget. The you can change the world overnight. You can practically do anything you want to (well, within reason, unless you want to get nuked/impeached/assassinated or otherwise not re-elected for a second term). The level of control you have is absolutely amazing, and it's the greatest strength of this game. It overrides most of the negative things I've found in the game.

The interface is elegant and has a sort of "Presidential" feel to it. You really feel get a feeling of control when you're doing stuff. You can quickly switch between menus, and can even quickly access an online copy of the CIA World Factbook (circa 1991) and get some info on the various countries you are going to be dealing with.

The Bad
I'll be the first to say it (well, no I won't, but still...); this game has some problems. They aren't that serious, but they can erode one's enjoyment of the game. One such problem is that other nations tend to over-react to the negative things you do to them. I mean, I'm sure the people and the government of the Soviet Union (back in '91) would have been upset if the US invaded a country which had about a dozen Russian military advisors there and the American soldiers shot them up (the advisors). However, I doubt that the Soviets would have launched their entire nuclear arsenal skywards at the United States in retaliation. However, when I pre-emptively invaded Iraq to stop the Persian Gulf War from occurring (in the starting scenario), there were 15 Russian soldiers in the country and five of them were killed in the conflict. The Soviet Union responded by nuking Iraq and all of the surrounding nations two days later. Either the AI has a bit of a "hair trigger", or Gorbachev was having "a really bad day" in that game.

Another problem is that adjustments to the national budget are processed in an unusually quick fashion and without any Senate oversight committees pestering you. I might be wrong, but if I increased the sales and income tax to 100%, I'm sure I would have at least one or two people complaining somewhere in the legislative branch of the government. But in Shadow President, no one complains. Sure, your approval rating will tank, but no one will stop you from doing it.

One the features of this game is the ability to ask your advisors their opinions on whatever actions you want to carry out. While they do present some interesting and useful statistics when you talk to them independently, their advice practically amounts to "don't do anything". I suppose this could considered realistic, but it isn't particularly helpful.

The Bottom Line
I would pick up a copy of this game, if you can find a copy it somewhere. It's fun making and breaking the world in your own image, even if the game doesn't handle some of things in the simulation particularly well.

DOS · by Longwalker (723) · 2004

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Bozzly, Patrick Bregger.