🐳 Moby v2024.06.07

Desert Bus VR

Moby ID: 99269

Windows screenshots

Te game runs in VR and non-VR modes
These settings can be adjusted before the game starts and include an option to play in either full screen or windowed modes
The title screen. This image moves around as the player moves the mouse before it eventually shows the buss arriving at the Tuscon bus stop
The bus arrives and demolished the title
So we start at the bus stop. The notice board to the left is also the main menu. Ahead is a green exit sign and a leaflet holder. Picking up the leaflet starts the game's shutdown process
The game's first option is to ride as a passenger. Pulling the handle on the red box gets us a ticket to ride on the bus as long as someone, somewhere is driving a bus.
So here we are sitting on the bus as a passenger. Not much to do really apart from sit here for the eight hour trip. We can look out of the window, we can look around at the other seats and behind us but we cannot move around.
Picking up the leaflet by the passenger window ends the ride
The passenger ride is about to end
To ride the bus we first have to clock on
To drive the bus - the 'W' key moves forward; the 'A' and 'S' keys steer; the mouse is used to honk the horn, turn the radio on/off and open & close the door. Picking up the Vacation leaflet (centre right) ends the ride.
While driving we can look out of the windows at the flat, boring scenery or look in the mirror.
Bill “BWOS” Watt, was a LoadingReadyRun crew member. His name was chosen as the name of the bus driver by Robert “DoctorBobtastic” Nix, the winning donor during the Desert Bus for Hope 2017.
Ending the driving session after just ten minutes, what a wimp!
The notice board also shows the total journey time, number of completed trips and the number of failed trips
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