10,000 results for "Mancala"

game cover GAME: Mancala (1988)
Apple IIgs (1988), Commodore 64 (1989)
game cover GAME: Mancala (March 25, 2021)
Nintendo Switch (2021)
game cover GAME: MVP Mancala (1998)
AKA: MVP Mancala Deluxe
Windows (1998)
game cover GAME: Mancala HD (June 23, 2010)
iPhone (2010), iPad (2010), tvOS (2015)
PERSON: Mandala Nzamba
Credited on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm.
PERSON: Shashikumar Mandala
Credited on 2 games, including Trials Frontier.
PERSON: David Mandala
Credited on PaTaank.
PERSON: Harrison Manzala
Credited on Football Manager 2014.
developer photo PERSON: Yukiko Mannaka
Credited on 22 games, including Langrisser IV.
PERSON: Jesse Mancilla
Credited on 33 games, including The Last of Us.
PERSON: Josh Mancell (AKA: Josh Mancel)
Credited on 12 games, including CTR: Crash Team Racing.
Josh Mancell is a composer who has written music for films, television and video games. He worked on several games in the Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter series.
PERSON: Mandana Jenabzadeh
Credited on 40 games, including Bloodborne.
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