10,000 results for "Pendragon"

game cover GAME: Pendragon (September 22, 2020)
Windows (2020), Macintosh (2020)
game cover GAME: Pendragon Rising (December 3, 2015)
iPad (2015), Android (2015), Macintosh (2015), Windows (2015), iPhone (2015), Linux (2015)
PERSON: Pendragon Wachtel
Credited on 10 games, including Monorail Stories.
PERSON: Quin Pendragon
Credited on 2 games, including Slime Volleyball.
PERSON: Pendragon Watchel
Credited on Broken Pieces.
PERSON: Elissa Pendragon
Credited on 2 games, including Diablo IV.
PERSON: Philippe Reybaud (AKA: pendragon64)
Credited on 2 games, including Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus.
PERSON: Clark Pendragon
PERSON: Newfie Pendragon
GROUP: Pendragon series
A series of four games for the Commodore 64 starring aristocrat adventurer Sir Arthur Pendragon as the protagonist, released between 1984 and 1986. They were all developed by Ultimate - Play the Game.
PERSON: Carlos Mondragon
Credited on 25 games, including Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
PERSON: Raul Mondragon
Credited on 20 games, including Star Wars: The Old Republic.
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