8 results for "The Sea Bed"

COMPANY: Die Linkspartei.PDS
Die Linkspartei.PDS (Die Linke.PDS) was the successor party of Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) in German Democratic Republic (GDR). It was founded after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the protests of GDR's citizen after more democracy in 1989. Originally it was named...
2 games documented, including Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff Bonn.
COMPANY: Zed Worldwide S.A.
9 games documented, including iBomber.
COMPANY: Red Sea Visual Productions
1 game documented: Alekhine's Gun.
COMPANY: CD Projekt S.A.
AKA: Optimus Technologie S.A., Optimus S.A., CD Projekt RED S.A., CD Projekt S.A.
CD Projekt S.A. is the current holding company of the CD Projekt Group, as well as the entity to which the Warsaw, Cracow, and Wroclaw offices of CD Projekt RED reside. Prior to becoming part of CD Projekt, the company was a Polish computer manufacturer established in 2001 as Optimus...
85 games documented, including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (NSFW).
COMPANY: Red Dev Studio S.A.
9 games documented, including Drill Deal: Oil Tycoon.
COMPANY: SCEA Sports Studio - Red Zone
RedZone Interactive, Inc. was founded in December 1997 by the team at Sony Interactive Studios America, which became defunct in early 1998. One of the founding members was George Rothrock. In January 2001 Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. re-acquired the studio and added it to the 989...
11 games documented, including NFL GameDay 2004.
COMPANY: Red Square Games S.A.
No games documented yet.
COMPANY: EA Red Crow Studios (Charlottetown)
EA Red Crow Studios is a development studio of Electronic Arts focused on the development of mobile games. It is based in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Most likely it is a continuation or re-branding of Bight Games as Bight now longer seems to exist and EA Red Crow Studios is...
1 game documented: NBA Live: Mobile.