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Kate Jones @KateJ


The Incredible Machine 2 (Windows)

By Kate Jones on October 29, 2011

Resident Evil 2 (Windows)

By Kate Jones on September 20, 2009

Metal Gear Solid (Windows)

By Kate Jones on November 10, 2007

Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Dreamcast)


The Good
I really feel like skipping this section, but since Code Veronica fixes one big flaw done by the prequel I guess I need to write something nice about the game. It seems that Capcom decided to make this game far less action oriented than the last which is a very good thing... there, I said it, I said a good thing about the game.

The Bad
It's bad... really bad. I guess it's not as bad as the prequel though. But it darn sure has made some things worse. The storyline... oh god, I can't believe they can continue with it shamelessly, it's so horrible. Just seeing that intro makes me sick... the game has the worst piece of contradicting, illogical, boring, tedious, cliche-filled, horrible, bad, sickening, non-original, laughable storyline I've ever seen, (okay, forgive me, Final Fantasy has worse) aargh, why? Why did someone sit down and write this and not see it was the new definition of bad? Why didn't someone else in the company look the writing over and rip the head off the guy who wrote it? It's really bad... I mean it, it's really bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad... continues endlessly

Mostly, the other things are also bad. The puzzles are better than the last, but still horrible, the voice acting is still bad but worse this time.

The Bottom Line
I really don't like this game. It's perhaps something to do if you're totally bored some day and want to see some good graphics and hear some okay music. But otherwise this game only serves as an example of how horrible a storyline can get, and how to not make a game. I find it hard to believe this is a game which was started by Resident Evil 1 which was actually an okay game. Those people who shout in the streets "Undead monsters exist! We must all gather around, talk bad english, get big non-existing weapons and shoot scientists wearing white clothes since they're behind this conspiracy! And I'm not insane!" will probably like this game... all other people will find it more fun searching for a coin in the sewers than playing this game.

By Kate Jones on November 13, 2004

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos (Windows)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

StarCraft: Battle Chest (Windows)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

SoulCalibur (Dreamcast)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

Chrono Trigger (SNES)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

Chrono Trigger (PlayStation)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

Myth: The Fallen Lords (Windows)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

Myth II: Soulblighter (Windows)

By Kate Jones on October 28, 2002

Goblins Quest 3 (DOS)

By Kate Jones on June 7, 2002

Postal (Windows)

By Kate Jones on June 7, 2002

Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance (Windows)

By Kate Jones on May 5, 2002

Championship Manager: Season 01/02 (Windows)

By Kate Jones on April 7, 2002

Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast (Windows)

By Kate Jones on April 5, 2002

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue - Complete (PlayStation)

By Kate Jones on March 21, 2002

Lunar: Silver Star Story - Complete (PlayStation)

By Kate Jones on March 21, 2002

The Curse of Monkey Island (Windows)

By Kate Jones on March 19, 2002

Icewind Dale (Windows)

By Kate Jones on March 19, 2002

Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox)

By Kate Jones on March 19, 2002

Chrono Cross (PlayStation)

By Kate Jones on March 16, 2002

Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)

By Kate Jones on March 16, 2002

Xenogears (PlayStation)

By Kate Jones on March 16, 2002

Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation)

By Kate Jones on March 16, 2002

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