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Sid & Al's Incredible Toons (DOS)

By Archagon on September 25, 2004

Crystal Caves (DOS)

By Archagon on September 26, 2003

XQuest (DOS)

Addictive as !@#$ and that much fun too!

The Good
Well, I must say, this is THE most addictive game I have EVER played. It's horrible when played with a keyboard, but pick up the mouse and you're all set! The design is genius - you have to be careful not to hit anything, but it gives you enough lineage.

The Bad
What's there not to like? This is perfect!

The Bottom Line
A brilliant "collection" game with great controls and excellent gameplay.

By Archagon on September 24, 2003

Sacrifice (Windows)

An absolutely amazing game worth checking out now! (might as well, saw it for 5 bucks with some other game at CompUSA)

The Good
Well, what can I say? This is an amazing blend of elements. At its heart it's a RTS, but you control your avatar from a 3rd person perspective and do all your commanding from there. Every level you can choose which side you want to play on (there are 5 with varied abilities and units). These choices affect the storyline. The game itself is very actionny, with lots of summoning and moving around. The graphics are STILL lush and wonderful, 3 whole years after this game's release. The battles are frantic, with much bloodshed and powerful explosions. And the manual needs to be the size of a small novel to describe all the units!

The Bad
The soul-gathering for resources gets annoying after a while. Defeating the enemy is a major pain in the ass (you gotta destroy their altar), but it's not really a fault - I just really suck at RTS's. Some later maps start out instantly with no time to think - just summon lotsa units.

The Bottom Line
An action/RTS that should be on every gamer's hard-drive!

By Archagon on September 24, 2003

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Windows)

By Archagon on July 16, 2002

Aliens Versus Predator 2 (Windows)

An excellent action thriller!

The Good
This game is very scary. You often get trapped with aliens in total darkness with only your trusty shoulder lamp and a weapon. This game is also full of great scripted sequences. In the first level, you're walking through a base, when you suddenly see some guy in front of you die. Then you see the Predator's laser sight on the ground in front of you, moving rapidly, although you can't see the Predator. This was a really rewarding gameplay moment for me. The game has 3 species which are all very different, offering a lot of variety. Objectives are very varied, as well. The multiplayer is excellent, considering the different classes. The graphics are great, too.

The Bad
The sound is not surround sound, which would have been a great idea. The environments are repetative. The game sometimes gets frustrating and very hard. It's also very linear, but it's still easy to get lost. I noticed lots of clipping. Also, the game is too dark...it gets annoying to use your lamp all the time. And the environments are small...if you're claustrophobic, stay away from this game.

The Bottom Line
A very scary FPS that, despite some problems, is still very fun!

By Archagon on July 12, 2002

Grand Theft Auto III (Windows)

An excellent free-form game with some flaws.

The Good
The sheer HUGENESS of the world is enough to draw most people in. I really enjoyed the free-form gameplay, as well. It's pretty fun to run from the cops, and the graphics are very good...notice how the lights leave trails and rainy days leave reflections on the ground. The missions are very varied, and, technically, you can do anything you want. The physics are excellent, as well. The gore is pretty good, too. The MP3 player is a GREAT addition!

The Bad
Well, the graphics are kind of Playstation-ish (minor clipping and stuff). There is no multiplayer, although it was planned! There isn't NEARLY enough things to destroy, and the cops are pretty stupid (I got onto the boat via ramp and they just went into the water...LOL). What's up with the "Trails" option?! You can't save your game during a mission. Cars get screwed up too fast, in my opinion. Finally, there is no in-game map, only a radar, and you can get lost quite easily. Oh, yeah, and it gets a bit repetative after a while, but not enough to hinder gameplay.

The Bottom Line
An excellent game, although flawed, which I could recommend to any action gamer (over 17)!

By Archagon on June 1, 2002

Deus Ex (Windows)

Who says games that are 2 years old can't compete with the current market? WOW, this game is the BEST!

The Good
Where should I start? Okay, first, the graphics are totally awesome (but the mouths are jerky). The sound is excellent, as well as the music, and the alarm is totally freaky. The story...well, I can't praise it highly enough. I got a tingly feeling by the end because of the greatness of the twisted plot. I never got that feeling from any other game. Everything is very non-linear, and you can customize anything, and I mean anything: pathways, side quests, decisions, augmentations, skills, inventory: you name it! The game world is extremely detailed, with a network of vents and tons of different pathways in every level. Will you: sneak through the vents, wasting a lockpick; go in using the all-action approach; hijack the security; go through the backdoor elevator, using a multitool; sneak out using another path; etc. There are practically an infinite amount of paths you can take, and there are tons of buildings and characters that you don't have to visit! WOW! Finally, the game has a sort of real-world/cyberpunk feeling: a gritty feeling which I REALLY liked...it really helped the game along.

The Bad
I didn't like the fact that it was set in the night. Also, the AI doesn't instantly see you, it always has to say something stupid, even if you're in front of their nose ("Who's there, I know you're around here somewhere!"). In addition, you have limited inventory space (this isn't bad...I just didn't like it). The loading times are waaaaay to long, and you die too often. There are also loads of ammo shortages in the beginning. Finally, after you beat the game once, playing it again isn't as surprising. But that is nothing!

The Bottom Line
Damn! This is, hands down, the best game I have EVER, EVER played, and I played LOTS of games!

By Archagon on April 6, 2002

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter (Windows)

Sam is back, and he couldn't be more serious!

The Good
To make a long story short, this game has everything the other one had, plus new and freakier enemies, new weapons (including the awesome Serious Bomb!), more varied environments, better designed levels, better secret places, and more quotes! I especially like the flamethrower-enemies sizzle, bleed, and blacken as they burn. This game's got it all!

The Bad
This game starts out at a much faster pace than the original, so it's quite hard at the beginning.

The Bottom Line
A rare occurence where a sequel is better than its predecessor!

By Archagon on March 1, 2002

Serious Sam: The First Encounter (Windows)

Serious Sam is here to stay!

The Good
Well, first off, there is LUDICROUS amount of action. You'll know what I'm talking about when you're standing in a field with enemies faster and more powerful than you are coming towards you from all sides. Yeehaw! Secondly, I enjoyed the refreshing Doom-like feel of the game. Even if a situation looks impossible, you will find a way out of it. Finally, the game is full of humor and secrets. Speaking of secrets, they're the best damn secrets in any game. They COMPLETELY step away from the game, and ANYTHING can happen in a secret area. Oh, yeah, and the graphics engine is absolutely gorgeous! Do yourself a favor and walk up to a wall. IT JUST DOESN'T PIXELATE!! NOT ONE BIT!!

The Bad
Parts of the game, especially towards the end, are EXTREMELY difficult. Some areas limit you on health and ammo for a while. Finally, you get annoyed when, for the 45th time in a level, you walk into a wide-open area with some really powerful item in the middle. Before you know it, the world around you is exploding, scratching, and, er, laser-ing. In my opinion, once per level is enough! UGH!

The Bottom Line
A serious FPS with a soaring fun factor!

By Archagon on March 1, 2002

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Windows)

It's never been as fun to kill Nazis!!

The Good
RTCW is one of the most beautifullest (most beautiful, for you grammar freaks) games I have ever played. The textures are almost as good as Max Payne's! Also, some parts are extremely scary, such as the zombie crypts. Many monsters made me want to run away from that part of the level and not turn back. I remember opening a door in a lab and seeing this HUGE robotic thing clumbering towards me...THE GROUND EVEN SHOOK!! That really freaked me out! The multiplayer is frickin' awesome, especially that new Trench Toast level. The environments are very well designed.

The Bad
The game is somewhat linear. Also, some enemies are very hard. Finally, it gets really repetative after you down the same enemy for the 1000-th time. There are no captions and you can't pause the cutscenes. And finally, as usual with most Quake 3 engine games, you can't use the mouse's side buttons. Oh, yes, and another gripe: the end boss is WAY too easy. I mean, c'mon, all he does is slash at you with his sword and summon zombies! A guy a whole army can't defeat, a guy who was put down by only a powerful spell...just died because of my minigun. Guess he, um, lost all of his strength over the ages! Finally, where are the cries of "Mein liben!"?? The Nazis speak English!! UGH!! Wolfenstein 3D was funny BECAUSE OF THE NAZI SCREAMS!! I LEARNED SOME GERMAN FROM WOLFENSTEIN 3D!! All I learned from RTCW was how to speak English with a funny accent.

The Bottom Line
A really fun and exciting FPS that might as well be the Action GOTY!

By Archagon on January 19, 2002

Max Payne (Windows)

Buy this now. You will NOT be disappointed.

The Good
-BULLET TIME!!! -Story -Smooth frame rates -Excellent graphics -Great editor -VERY easy to modify -Gameplay -Weapons -Levels -Theme song -Textures -Details (cloak sways, particle effects, beer leaks) -Auto adjusting difficulty

The Bad
-Some graphic novel sequences could be acted out in the game engine -No gibbing from grenades -Linear -Level editor takes time to learn -Nightmare sequences -How is it possible to Shootdodge in real life without breaking a rib? -Short

The Bottom Line
A great blend of non-stop action, excellent story, and extraordinary music, Max Payne is one of the best games I have played. Ever.

By Archagon on August 28, 2001

Tribes 2 (Windows)

Buy this now, or you will regret it!

The Good
Oh my god! The graphics are splendid, the action is cool, the weapons are supreme, the variety of items is unmatched, the turret control option is cool, the waypoint selector is cool, the predefined inventory screen is easy to use, and it is accesible by anybody! Also, the veichles are, well, (insert best adjective you can think of here)! Also, you can see yourself if you look down.

The Bad
Well...the veichles seem more heavy than in Tribes, the environments are shady. Also, the action is too furious. Some graphics difficulties, also. Too many controls. Too many options. Too hard for newbies.

The Bottom Line
All the difficulties aside, this game is supreme! If you don't buy it, you will be a very sad person, indeed.

By Archagon on April 12, 2001

Quake II (Windows)

By Archagon on April 1, 2001

King's Quest: Collector's Edition (DOS)

By Archagon on March 28, 2001

Krypton Egg (DOS)

A really great breakout game!

The Good
The thing I liked most about it is the powerups: shooting, flying, growth, go through blocks, etc. Also, there are moster shooting sessions and bosses.

The Bad
The game is sort of wacky, with flying monsters, which do get annoying. Also, everyone hates invisible blocks.

The Bottom Line
The most innovative, if not the best, breakout game ever!

By Archagon on March 25, 2001

Realms of Chaos (DOS)

By Archagon on March 22, 2001

Major Stryker (DOS)

Good times...good times.

The Good
This is one of the games I grew up with. From the very start, you get placed right in the middle of the action. It just has that...retro feel. The music is awesome, I loved every bit of the title track! It's also always so much fun to get powerups and become an unstoppable death machine.

The Bad
Well, it's really hard in some parts. You never know what's around the corner. There are also loads of enemies on screen at a time, so good reflexes are a must.

The Bottom Line
An early shooter not quite up to the excellence of Raptor, but still great.

By Archagon on March 22, 2001

Raptor: Call of the Shadows (DOS)

A great top-down shooter.

The Good
It is exciting meeting the end-level bosses. The music's cool, and the high-costing weapons are truly devastating. The levels are unique, and so are the episodes. Finally, most everything is destructable.

The Bad
This game is hard! Also, it gets kinda annoying since there is no mid level save feature (you almost kill a boss, but the boss kills you, and you have to start all over). The levels are a bit long and monotonus.

The Bottom Line
A very good top-down shooter. If there was a save game feature and it wasn't so monotonus, I would recommend it. But for now, play Stargunner.

By Archagon on March 21, 2001

Stargunner (DOS)

One of the best side-scrollers ever!

The Good
The graphics in this game are good, although pixely. The movies are interesting, and it is exiting when the music changes, so you know there will be a boss soon. The bosses are huge and powerful. Also, the idea of credits and purchasing weapons is fun. I also liked the hidden powerups.

The Bad
As I said before, the graphics are a bit pixely. Also, it is hard. Finally, it scrolls (I'm not saying this is a bad feature, though! I just didn't like it).

The Bottom Line
A side-scrolling shoot'em up in which you fly a ship, collect credits, and destroy bosses in three unique episodes.

By Archagon on March 21, 2001

Half-Life: Counter-Strike (Windows)

Best multiplayer game ever!!!!

The Good
I liked the team idea, the realism, the weapons, the maps, the modes of play, the sounds, and the graphics.

The Bad
I didn't like the fact that you could have one team change per round, that if you died, you became a ghost for the rest of the round, and the fact that when you select a team, you can't back out. Also, there is lots of clipping. Finally, when you join a game, it doesn't say the wins/losses.

The Bottom Line
A trulty amazing online team-based game. THIS GAME KICKS SOME SERIOUS ASS!!!!

By Archagon on January 20, 2001