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Contribution Score: 634 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: September 21, 2013
Location: other, Other
Messages Posted: 71
About Me:

this is what I wrote to many of whom I believed the top contributors the last day I was logged on here, and to Reed and Simon Carless.

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I always had 2 accounts on MobyGames, since when I made a second one not knowing display name could be modified at will.

Tonight I am unable to access here with my primary one. Even the mail results inexistent, so I can’t ask a new password. I read in the past that “password and e-mail” were changed to cast away someone for some reason. This is what happened to my account today clearly. I am sure I never trespassed any term of use. I am also sure that no trespasser gets their password and mail changed at any decent site there on the Web: have you, any of you, ever heard of it, aside from here or some personal site?

I sent to Reed and Simon Carless the e-mail and password of my first account that someone has changed few hours ago, to prove it’s me.

I am waiting my log on data to be restored Should this not happen, it’ll mean that it is not one person, but the whole management of the site to use such practices just because one sends some private messages that arent liked — be it the worst offensive crap in the world or just friendly yet very hurtful truths, it must not have relevance to this case —. I’ll be very happy to be prevented from using this site if it is the management, and nost just 1 person making a mistake.

My primary account id is yenruoj_tsegnol_eht(!!ihsoy) I posted 3 times in the forums just one day ago.

I am logging out from this account indefinitely