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stefan kramer @theseusfights


Hyper Force (Jaguar)

Great! A true Gem.

The Good
It is fun, challenging and reminds me of the adventure games I grew up with for the SNES. The design aesthetic is pleasing. The futuristic setting, enemies and weapons all fit the game. The controls are good - although the jumping is a little awkward at first (I will address this later). The levels are big and challenging - while sometimes they can turn into 'switch-hunts' I wouldn't put that in the 'bad' category because in Hyperforce exploration is the name of the game and you will be doing a lot of it.

The Bad
I have had the game freeze on me when attempting to save the game. Besides this singular snag I have not had further saving issues. In this case a reboot solved the problem and my previous saves were left unaffected. My only other gripe is the jump mechanic - when you jump it activates his booster pack and sometimes controlling your character in mid-air is a little wonky. That being said I have gotten used to it. Just do not head into this game expecting the ultra precise controls of Super Mario World.

Sometimes a timer pops up at the top of the screen...I am not entirely sure why. It has only happened once - maybe I had triggered something... It does not make mention of this in the manual.

The Bottom Line
Hyperforce is a competent and enjoyable shooter / adventure game for the Jag. I'd recommend picking it up, in spite of the relatively high price tag!

Thanks Songbird!

By stefan kramer on March 28, 2017