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Deathmatch Federation @Admin


Tread Marks (Windows)


The Good
Its Smooth, Its Fast, The Terrain Is Deformable... leaves the days of unrealistic blocky sharp-corner vector terrain far behind. Supports upto 99 Tanks in a game, limited only by the server bandwidth. Totally 100% Moddable engine with commands so easy a baby can understand it. FANTASTIC Range of weapons ...... Excellent community of players, Mods like you wouldn't believe, Tournament support & Clans in here too !!!

The Bad
Lack of Receptacle and the 3rd person perspective view (above and behind the tank) - but this is forgivable due to the ability to FREE move the viewing angle at will. When you have a weapon, you cant drop it, you have to use it up before you can pick up another.

The Bottom Line
If you don't want to miss out on the most underestimated game of the century BUY IT NOW.. think UNREAL TOURNAMENT crossed with TRIBES but in Tanks - and you have yourself one HELL of a game ;) Visit , enter the treadmarks page and download the ** IN GAME VIDEO'S *** I GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.

By Deathmatch Federation on August 2, 2003