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Robert Clark @Robc

Contribution Score: 13 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: October 16, 2004
About Me:

I'm a long time adventure game player. With over on the last count 175 adventure games. Graphic and Interactive movies. With a few text ones. I'm in the process of making a cdrw for myself of all the information I can find on each game. Reviews,Patches, Cover Art. If I see on Moby a cover art or ad blurb they don't have I will contribute one. I'm not much of a writer of reviews or walkthroughs so you won't see any of that from me. If you need help on a rare game e-mail me and maybe I will be able to help you. Oh yea I'm 44 years old. Beyond the average age of adventure game players according to some web pages. That say average age is between 25 and 40. On my have list is my progress of my making of the cdrw. I will add games as I add them to the cdrw.