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Phopo Jijo @PhopoJijo


Wing Commander: Privateer (DOS)

Meets or exceeds all expectations of the time.

The Good
Just about everything. The gameplay mechanics were completely unique and gave an experience which has still yet to be replicated (unfortunately even with the sequel) of free roaming havok (though I've not personally played some of the space-based MMORPGs yet).

Kill enough merchants without killing pirates? Become a pirate. Pirates don't shoot you but the militia want you for dinner.

Kill enough (I believe its pirates) without touching bounty hunters... bounty hunters don't touch you.

Kill a merchant ship -- take his cargo and sell it.

The game requires an update for handhelds -- it has a fairly light load mechanically and you can play it just for 10 minute intervals if needed -- but gradually work towards ditching your Taurus for a Centurion with Mark5 sheilds kicking Kilirathi back to the top right quadrant.

The Bad
Very unforgiving if you accidentally hit the wrong person. You also can't really run it on modern machines. It desperately needs to be brought to consoles.

The Bottom Line
An addictive space sim which allows jumping from system to system. While you can simply autopilot from nav point to nav point -- its also possible to fly manual straight through the action.

Again, its free roaming and quick to put down nature makes it a perfect game for handhelds. Here's looking at you Sony and Nintendo!

By Phopo Jijo on December 9, 2005