Rockstar North Ltd.

Moby ID: 146

Trivia add

DMA Design produced both the cutesy Lemmings games and the Grand Theft Auto titles, the latest of which have become some of the most controversial games of all time. Very disturbing.

Contributed by Zack Green.

The name DMA was originally taken from the Amiga programming manuals simply because it sounded cool and did not actually mean anything. The initials were later 'retrofitted' so that they briefly stood for Direct Mind Access, a play on the computer term Direct Memory Access, before finally standing for Doesn't Mean Anything, thus making official the playful notion that they were indeed meaningless.

Source: Wikipedia

Contributed by Sciere.

DMA Design (a.k.a. Rockstar North) won the Guinness World Record for most successful UK game developer in 2008 due to the commercial and critical success Grand Theft Auto IV.

Contributed by sgtcook.