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Forums > News > Should we drop the MobyDark theme?

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nullnullnull (1463) on 4/19/2006 6:44 PM · Permalink · Report

We have been tinkering with improving the MobyGames interface. Our idea is to improve the overall design quality of the site, make the interface easier to use and to better communicate that MobyGames is a community driven site. Having two themes always means we have to check all interface improvements twice. Also as we add more graphics and icons we need to ensure that everything is antialiased off the correct backgrounds etc. As you can guess our to-do list is a mile long. The question I have been wondering is, "Should MobyGames drop support for the MobyDark theme?" Having one theme would free up resources to work on other things. However if people really like it ... well ... we love MobyUsers and we want to make you happy. We created this weeks poll to tally peoples votes. Tell us what you think.

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Ajan (262) on 4/19/2006 8:59 PM · Permalink · Report

I've checked this dark theme months ago and to say the truth I'm rather a fan on light sites. I mean dunno why but to me white or light blue sites look more professional, colors are toned, nice, they don't make your eyes tired etc. Personaly I don't see a reason why you should make two different themes, especially if few people know about it anyway. However judging from your post changes will be large so we don't have any knowledge if it's going to be nice. At some point users visiting MobyGames very often may be bored with only one style. But that doesn't change the fact that Yahoo doesn't have hundreds of themes.

Imho we wouldn't loose much with only one style. You could create more but "more" that is several, not just one but as you said it takes resources and time so to me one style is enough (just make it nice plz ;) ).

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Zovni (10504) on 4/19/2006 10:57 PM · Permalink · Report

Heh, I'm from the opposite school of though.. I find it easier to read stuff on the mobydark theme, and the "light" designs reek of design trendyness to me... but I may have developed an over-reaction to that considering how fed up I am with Macs...

Anyway, I've used MobyDark since I joined the site and like it far more than the "standard" theme, but I guess I don't really need it, if you say it's going to free up resources....

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Matt Neuteboom (976) on 4/20/2006 1:19 AM · Permalink · Report

I know how you feel when talking about double checking for the MobyDark theme. I take programming classes and double-checking for two separate occasions can be mighty annoying. And its even worse when you have a bug you have to do the same reptitive debugging stuff TWICE.

Personally I think the blue and white site looks much more professional and I think darker sites tend to be harder on the eyes so I only use MobyClassic.

If it eats up debug time and resources then I say get rid of it. I'd much rather see a lesser burden on you guys for all the wonderful programming you put into the site, as well as some free resources for the site. However according to how the polls go now, some people might be a little PO'd about it and one person even threatens to leave forever over it so maybe if a compromise can be reached between the MobyDark users.

I guess the best course of action would be to talk to the MobyDark users about it. I'm sure an understanding can be reached.

Hehehehe. Light side vs. Dark side. :-D

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Zovni (10504) on 4/20/2006 2:24 AM · Permalink · Report

Noooo! Surrender to the dark side!!

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Ben K (23952) on 4/20/2006 3:33 AM · Permalink · Report

I haven't even looked at the Dark theme, so you're more than welcome to remove it if it's barely being used anyway! :-)

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Riamus (8480) on 4/21/2006 4:23 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Ben Kosmina wrote--]I haven't even looked at the Dark theme, so you're more than welcome to remove it if it's barely being used anyway! :-) [/Q --end Ben Kosmina wrote--]

This is the biggest problem with doing polls about the theme. So many people who use the site never even change their preferences, so they have no idea what choices they have. Just because a large number say "go ahead" doesn't mean they think the theme is worse... many of them have never seen it and wouldn't know if it's good or bad.

Now, if the people who voted on the poll would all first try the theme and see what they thought, then it would be more accurate. But people just don't do that. :(

MobyDark is much better. I hate the other theme.

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Xa4 (300) on 4/20/2006 7:32 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I love the dark theme and have used it ever since I joined. It's miles ahead in terms of design, in my opinion.

It's also easier for the eye (the brighter, the more tiring for the eyes).

So, why not trash mobyclassic instead ? :o)

I certainly wouldn't leave mobygames if the dark theme disappeared, but I may spend less time on it (because of the eyes thing)

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Indra was here (20752) on 4/20/2006 7:53 PM · Permalink · Report

"Come into the darkside, young one"

"Yes, master..."

-Memorable moments of Sith apprentices while using MobyDark.

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KnockStump (998) on 4/21/2006 7:52 PM · Permalink · Report

I say concentrate on features. Time is something no one has enough of and wasting it on tiny aesthetic concerns is, well, a waste.

Look at Myspace -- it looks like crap, but it's still insanely popular.

Features are much more valuable to the community and to the growth of the site.

People are not going to come back or link to you on their blogs or tell their friends about you just because you have a dark background.

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Riamus (8480) on 4/21/2006 10:14 PM · Permalink · Report

Myspace is crap anyhow. They have had more news on them than just about any other site out there for problems that they cause. Such as all the kids on them acting like adults and getting into serious trouble. It's a rediculous site and should be removed. Why in the world would anyone even answer all the questions about themselves on such a site and share it with the world? Anyone ever hear about keeping personal information off the internet???

But anyow, about features/time. Yes, we can add more features and that's important. But we can also create a better way to manage themes and perhaps find a way to allow others to help with that so that the time isn't being wasted on themes as it is now.

And, people WILL link back here because there isn't a site out there that is better for this information.

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nullnullnull (1463) on 4/22/2006 3:01 AM · Permalink · Report

While I wouldn't mind selling to Fox or whomever for like 430 million bucks we are not about to turn MobyGames into MySpace. The project has really grown and we have so much cool sh*t in the pipe. However at the same time we have to really look what is the core of MobyGames. I know a lot of key contributors use dark and the news post and the poll is a way to gauge what people are doing.

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Xantheous (1495) on 4/22/2006 10:57 AM · Permalink · Report

I would have to vote no we shouldn't drop the MobyDark theme.

Ever since I became a member of Mobygames.com since way back near it's beginnings, I have always used the MobyDark theme. Whenever a new sub-site is introduced, I always change my settings so that all sub-sites use MobyDark. To me, it is much easier on the eyes and is more aesthetically pleasing to me.

I am well aware of the problems that have cropped up with new versions of the site being released and some of those changes causing bugs with the MobyDark theme. I have gone out of my way to report these bugs to Brian in as quickly a manner as possible so as to help keep this theme alive. He said he appreciates those bug reports and I thank him for working hard to fix them as fast as he does. I know you guys care about us MobyUsers, and that's probably one of the biggest reasons this site has come as far as it has.

It's a toss-up really, whether to dump the MobyDark theme in favour of investing more time and energy resources into other improvements to the site, or to maintain a somewhat popular alternative theme and to accept that aesthetics (and in some user's cases, readability) are just as important a "feature" as others currently in place or to come.

That's my two cents.

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Xa4 (300) on 4/22/2006 11:06 AM · Permalink · Report

amen to that.

No matter what people say, look and feel is important. You may release the game with the best gameplay ever today, if it's in ASCII graphics, chances are you will only reach a really little niche.

Same for the website. I know of some websites which have great information over things that interest me but I almost never spend time on them because they don't look good to me.

Mobygames (with the dark theme) is both interesting and beautiful. The classic theme kind of disturbs me Please keep it the way it is.

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Zovni (10504) on 4/25/2006 3:15 AM · Permalink · Report

Yeeesss! The dark side is strong in here! BWAAHAHAHAH!!!

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Slug Camargo (583) on 4/24/2006 1:39 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I've used the dark theme ever since I've signed up, some 3+ years ago, so I usually even forget there is a choice.
I've been test-driving the light theme for a little while because of this very topic, and I gotta say I'd stick with the dark any day of the week. The light one is too bright, and feels too aggressive for the eyes.

[Q --start Riamus wrote--] MobyDark is much better. I hate the other theme. [/Q --end Riamus wrote--] Funnily enough, while testing the light theme I found out your avatar sort of looks like it was designed for it, rather than for the dark one ;P

Edit: That last sentence was for Riamus, God only knows why it keeps putting flipkin up there...

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Italian Caffe (1) on 4/24/2006 7:31 AM · Permalink · Report

I suggest you should make a light blue theme. It looks like people like it.

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Riamus (8480) on 4/24/2006 1:24 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Dr. Von Katze wrote--] Funnily enough, while testing the light theme I found out your avatar sort of looks like it was designed for it, rather than for the dark one ;P [/Q --end Dr. Von Katze wrote--]

Well, a friend drew that for me in a much larger version and I've used it since. It was to be an image for my character in an upcoming MMORPG that got cancelled. Something of Dawn I think. I just like it. :D

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Italian Caffe (1) on 4/25/2006 8:36 AM · Permalink · Report

I know that Dawn. A games magazine from my country made an article about Dawn. Too bad it's another canceled MMO... It seemed really interesting.