Forums > MobyGames > Credits - making some noise

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tarmo888 (5258) on 8/8/2007 12:50 PM · Permalink · Report

look what i found in my feed reader

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 8/8/2007 1:03 PM · Permalink · Report

I sent them a nice email about this, and didn't hear back, so I'm deliberately making some noise on this blog in hopes that I can at least get some people talking about this issue

Why didn't he just post it here?

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tarmo888 (5258) on 8/8/2007 1:09 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

i think because if blogger posts his blog address somewhere then it taken as self-promotion, but if a link is posted by blog reader then its not.

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Kabushi (261498) on 8/8/2007 1:30 PM · Permalink · Report

Well, we do accept those credits, but if they are not documented it's not much we can do.

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Sciere (930966) on 8/8/2007 3:56 PM · Permalink · Report

I posted a lengthy reply, but he has to approve the comment first =)

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Indra was here (20750) on 8/8/2007 4:21 PM · Permalink · Report

[1] Developer creates updated credits of live team on official online game - credits section;
[2] Submit credits screenshot and/or direct link to credits section to MobyGames;
[3] Approver verifies source and checks for errors;
[4] Approved, WIPed or rejected depending on information submitted.

I still do not see what the issue is here. Actually come to think of it, its really not our problem regarding who's officially credited. Hmm.

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Darius Kazemi (11) on 8/8/2007 7:00 PM · Permalink · Report

Hey guys,

I thought I made it pretty clear that I know it isn't MobyGames' problem who is and who isn't officially credited on a title. The game industry is broken, and it's our fault when we don't officially credit someone who worked on a title. (Though looking back at my post, I can see how I wasn't clear enough on that point.) The problem in this particular instance was that there are two teams that were officially credited on the game. If you log on to D&D Online and look at the credits right now, it's the live team. If you look at the manual, it's the launch team.

Both teams were actually credited, but one of the groups was missing from the D&D Online page.

Obviously I could have gone in and submitted a change request to switch the credits back to the launch team, but that wouldn't solve anything, it would just swap between the two groups. In the email I wrote to MobyGames, I wanted to know if there was a way that both groups could be credited side-by-side, since that's what Turbine did. Since I didn't get a response after two weeks, I posted to my blog.

I didn't go to the forums because honestly, I avoid forums on all gaming sites, as they tend to have a very low signal-to-noise ratio. Clearly it's different here at MobyGames, and I probably should have expected as much, as the community here is awesome. In the future I'll come here with questions first.

So my question now is: would it be feasible for me to go in and create a "live team" sub-group under the DDO credits, and revert the original credits back to the launch team? Keep in mind that this would result in people with two credits on a game, as Person A might have been Associate Producer on launch and Producer on live.

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Foxhack (32098) on 8/8/2007 7:21 PM · Permalink · Report

There's nothing wrong with having a person in several groups in one game. Lots of games have people who do more than one job at a time. :)

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Shoddyan (15006) on 8/9/2007 2:19 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Darius Kazemi wrote--]Obviously I could have gone in and submitted a change request to switch the credits back to the launch team, but that wouldn't solve anything, it would just swap between the two groups. In the email I wrote to MobyGames, I wanted to know if there was a way that both groups could be credited side-by-side, since that's what Turbine did. Since I didn't get a response after two weeks, I posted to my blog.[/Q --end Darius Kazemi wrote--]

The normal credits submission process is more or less additive. Anyone accessing the wizard has the option to add more names/roles/groups as needed to the existing credits. These are all subject to normal verification procedures.

[Q --start Darius Kazemi wrote--]I didn't go to the forums because honestly, I avoid forums on all gaming sites, as they tend to have a very low signal-to-noise ratio. Clearly it's different here at MobyGames, and I probably should have expected as much, as the community here is awesome. In the future I'll come here with questions first.[/Q --end Darius Kazemi wrote--]

It's a good policy. I'm registered into several forums I just don't have time to read. Even my "home base" here at mobygames takes up too much time for me to read through all the conversations that go on here. Particularly when they go badly offtopic :-/

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66471) on 8/9/2007 5:13 AM · Permalink · Report

Particularly when they go badly offtopic :-/

You mean wonderfully offtopic 8)

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Shoddyan (15006) on 8/10/2007 12:58 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Pseudo_Intellectual wrote--]Particularly when they go badly offtopic :-/

You mean wonderfully offtopic 8) [/Q --end Pseudo_Intellectual wrote--]

No I don't :)