Seiya Monogatari: Anearth Fantasy Stories

Moby ID: 42727


A mysterious young woman with a baby was attacked during the Holy Night. She managed to escape, but collapsed and died in front of the church in the city of Yalem. But the baby survived, grew up, and eventually became a hero on a quest to avenge his mother's murderers and save the world.

Seiya Monogatari: Anearth Fantasy Stories differs from most other role-playing games in several important aspects. The player creates the main character in a unique way: when the baby lies on the snow outside of the church, several people pass by. The player can choose to press the action button, making the baby cry and attracting the attention of these people. Depending on the timing of this "baby action", the hero will be adopted by different people, which make him belong to a different character class (fighter, thief, mage, or monk), and also lead to four entirely different prologues (once the hero turns fifteen, the four stories eventually merge into one).

Instead of random battles - or even regular battles with wandering enemies - the game has pre-set battles, which occur much less frequently than in traditional Japanese RPGs. Winning the battles depends less on leveling-up and more on the actual tactics used during the battle. There are no levels in the game; instead, the characters gain better statistics depending on their actions during battles (e.g., using magic will increase magic power, etc.). The battles are turn-based and are viewed from a side-scrolling perspective. The game focuses on exploration, having large and complex locations as well as plenty of items of different categories that can be found if the player explores the game world properly.


  • 聖夜物語 Anearth Fantasy Stories - Japanese spelling


Credits (TurboGrafx CD version)

65 People (61 developers, 4 thanks) · View all

Production Director (製作総指揮)
Original Work (原作)
Planning (企画)
Music (音楽)
Holy Mother Rena (聖母レナ)
Kassim (カシム)
Narsha (ナーシャ)
Olga (オルガ)
Vestril (ヴェストリル)
Purple Flame Addis (紫炎アディス)
Steel Soldier Bertram (鋼武人バートラム)
Ninja Buster Gear (忍者バスターギア)
Tavern Owner Marsh (酒場の主人マーシュ)
Madame Olivera (娼婦オリベラ)
Madame Linda (娼婦リンダ)
Madame Yuki (娼婦ユキ)
Sister Maria (シスターマリア)
Swordsman McGuire (剣士マクガイア)
Old Man Gregory (グレゴリー爺さん)
Program Coding (プログラム コーディング)
Scenario Program (シナリオプログラム)
Event Program (イベントプログラム)
Sub Program (サブプログラム)
Sound Program (音源プログラム)
CSG Operator (CSGオペレーター)
[ full credits ]



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The Japanese title translates as "A Christmas Tale". It was advertised as the first volume in a planned trilogy called Anearth Fantasy Stories, and should have been released in late 1994. Instead, it was often postponed and ended up as the very last Hudson game published on the PC Engine in Japan (December 1995). Logically, it never got a sequel, although it was eventually ported to the Saturn in March 1997 (the subtitle "Seiya Monogatari" was dropped in the process and replaced by a simpler "The First Volume"). At the same time, the Saturn conversion was novelized by Media Works under the name Avatark no Maken.


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Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 42727
  • [ Please login / register to view all identifiers ]


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Unicorn Lynx.

Additional contributors: Kaminari.

Game added October 8, 2009. Last modified March 21, 2024.