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Final Fight: Double Impact

Moby ID: 46072

[ All ] [ PlayStation 3 ] [ Xbox 360 ]

Releases +

PlayStation 3

Apr 15, 2010 Release
Published by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Developed by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Ported by: Proper Games LTD
Distributed by: Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
Localized by: Universally Speaking Ltd.
Additional Graphics by: UDON Entertainment
Music by: Fathom Studios LLC
Middleware by: GroundStorm Studios LLC
Testing by: VMC Game Labs
Countries: flag United States
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Xbox 360

Apr 14, 2010 Release
Published by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Developed by: Capcom Co., Ltd.
Ported by: Proper Games LTD
Distributed by: Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
Localized by: Universally Speaking Ltd.
Additional Graphics by: UDON Entertainment
Music by: Fathom Studios LLC
Middleware by: GroundStorm Studios LLC
Testing by: VMC Game Labs
Countries: flag Worldwide
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Releases contributed by Matthew Prunty, BurningStickMan.