PES 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer

aka: PES 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer 3D, Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, Winning Eleven: Play Maker 2013, World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2013
Moby ID: 62181

[ All ] [ Nintendo 3DS ] [ PlayStation 2 ] [ PlayStation 3 ] [ PSP ] [ Wii ] [ Windows ] [ Xbox 360 ]

Tech Specs/Attributes +

Nintendo 3DS +

Business Model:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Local Players via Wi-Fi:
Number of Online Players:


Media Type:
Screen Orientation:
Multiplayer Options:
Number of Offline Players:
Number of Local Players via Wi-Fi:

Memory Stick Duo - 10MB minimum

PlayStation 2 +

Media Type:
Input Devices Required:
Controller Types Supported:
Gamepads Supported:
Additional Hardware Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:
Number of Offline Players via Multitap:
Save Game Methods:

Memory Card: 2160 KB

Wii +

Media Type:
Video Modes Supported:
Sound Capabilities:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Offline Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Windows +

Business Model:
Minimum CPU Class Required:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Supported Systems/Models:
Minimum RAM Required:
Minimum DirectX Version Required:
Media Type:
Minimum Video Memory Required:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Attributes contributed by Hipolito Pichardo, MAT, jaXen, Flapco.

Ratings +

Nintendo 3DS +

USK Rating:


ESRB Rating:
PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
CERO Rating:

PlayStation 2 +

ESRB Rating:
PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
ACB Rating:

Wii +

ESRB Rating:
PEGI Rating: (Online)
CERO Rating:
ACB Rating:

Windows +

PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:

Xbox 360 +

USK Rating:
RARS Rating:
ACB Rating:

Ratings contributed by Hipolito Pichardo, Skippy_Chipskunk, jaXen, Victor Vance, Plok, Flapco.