Avernum II: Crystal Souls

Moby ID: 70954

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Macintosh credits (2015)

47 people (32 professional roles, 15 thanks)

Concept, Design, Programming Jeff Vogel
Business Manager, Design Assitant Mariann Krizsan
Interface, Color Art Ben Resnick
Character Icon Design Linda Strout
Color Art Alexander Deruchenko
Skill Drawings Phil Foglio
Logo James Roeder
PC Portraits/Paper Dolls Jason Walton
Maps, NPC Portraits Steve Mabee
Title Music CineScore
Beta Testers (Macintosh) David Abromson, Michael Anderson (txa1265), Al Borowski, Eleanor Chan, James Crawford, Devon Crosby, J. Todd Cumming, Chris Drouin, Douglas Frederick, Kathy Gursky, Trish Hausmann, istara, Ben Kimmett, Neil Lambert, Maria Aleida Leza, Pamella Marschall, Brian O'Donnell, Danielle Rapoport, Darin Takemoto, Chad Thomas, Evan Williams, Jourdan Wooden
Thanks To Cordelia Krizsan-Vogel, Miranda Vogel, Mariann Krizsan, Paying Customers, The New Pornographers, Kathryn Calder, The Decemberists, Vampire Weekend, They Might Be Giants, Arcade Fire, Leonard Cohen, King Crimson, Kanye, 70s Light Rock, Pagliacci Pizza
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Alex Z.